New Romans Series: “The God Report”


Everyday we are inundated with messages that shape and influence our view of the world.  The Information Age provides us with many sources of information and news, cultural commentary and political spin.  We are taught what to think but not how.  We are given much to chew on but little advice on what we should and should not swallow.  Whether we know it or not we are all drinking daily from the fountain of popular opinion and it is shaping our core convictions and life choices.

Everyday we turn our ears and tune our minds to a smorgasboard of preachers of popular opinion and cultural critics on the television, talk radio or internet.  You may choose from the “No Spin Zone” of The O’ Reilly Factor, Count Down with Keith Olbermann, Nightly News with Brian Williams, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report and countless others. Perhaps you prefer reading USA Today, Newsweek or your local newspaper.  Others surf the choppy seas of the blogosphere looking for the latest debate or current buzz to blab about.

Yet, at the end of the day, who’s opinion really counts?  Which sources can we really trust?  Where can we find the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  Is there another “No Spin Zone” other than O’Reilly — whose own spin makes me dizzy and want to throw up?

This fall I will begin a teaching series centered around the question: What if God had his own weekly news talk show on all the timely issues facing our world?  Would we tune in weekly to hear God’s straight talk on the what matters most?  In this series of messages (and hopefully blog posts to accompany) I am thinking about calling, in honor of my favorite comedic political pundit Stephen Colbert, “The God Report” with the Apostle Paul reporting on the scene in ancient Rome. I would say it’s like having the Apostle Paul bringing the nightly news except for the fact that nothing is really “new” under the sun.  In fact, our study in Romans will tackle all of the oldest, most foundational truths of humankind and the world.  Topics will include God’s self-revelation in nature, human ignorance, sin, idolatry, the wrath and righteousness of God, self-righteous judging, the destiny of those never hearing the gospel, worship, the gospel, atonement and more.  You know…light and fluffy stuff.

I’ve been anticipating this study for some months now, and am just now delving into the first chapter of Romans to begin outlining some messages for this fall.  I look forward to sharing some of these “reports” with you as my study unfolds. Stay tuned!

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