Fathers Around the Sacred Fire

I went on a retreat recently with my good friend Peter and our spiritual father David Johnson of Church of the Open Door. We spent much time sharing around the fire and a major theme ended up being the Father’s love and our desire to be better fathers. Ironically, this absent-minded father didn’t realize this retreat would take me away from my son on his 10th birthday. Doh!

Isaak was not happy, to say the least. I felt bad the entire time, feeling guilty and trying to make contact with Isaak. Yet, I knew he would survive and I promised I would make it up to him later. Moreover, I knew that he would benefit in the long term having a father who is committed to taking such retreats to grow as a dad and husband.

Me, Dave, and Peter

I sought God for a word for Isaak David on his 10th birthday, and due to his namesake after both King David the Giant Slayer and Pastor David Johnson, I shared a few words from the story of David and Goliath with him. You can watch my blessing below, realizing all of us children of God, no matter how old, need to be reminded of these truths, too.

Peter and I ended up leaving the retreat a night early, drove late into the night in order to surprise Isaak with a big bear hug around 2AM. That was a good and memorable hug.

Thank you Dave Johnson for a great retreat and for wearing the mantle of father for so many. Watch my fatherly birthday blessing below:

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