Sowing in Tears


I recently preached a message from Psalm 126 which mentions “going out weeping” and “sowing in tears.” I used that message to encourage those of us who may be battling depression or facing difficult times to keep on “sowing” and “planting” even when you don’t feel like it, or when you don’t see immediate results. Keep planting God’s promises into the ground and keep getting out of bed, and to “not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time you’ll reap a harvest if you don’t give up” (Gal. 6:9). Keep sowing, even if that means sowing in tears. Keep getting out of bed, and going out to face the new day, even if that means going out weeping.  We carry with us pockets full of God’s ripe promises — His seed that will not return void without accomplishing His purposes. Listen to message here. My friend Danny has a poem along these lines. Enjoy! -JB


The day starts, which is the hardest part. At the crack of dawn, people without depression give a yawn, get out of bed, and give their wings a spread.

They head out the door ready to explore. However, I lay with my eyes closed not tired, but my brain is racing, feeling wired.  I want to get up, but my body doesn’t allow. What do I do now? I think about putting my feet on the bedroom floor and exiting through that door. Now, I’ve got a goal in mind. It’s that inner strength that I need to find.

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