NEW: Three Taverns @ MainStreet

In 2012 a newspaper article was published describing the original vision for our MainStreet location, and I encourage you to go read it here. Here’s a taste:
MainStreet will soon open a new center in the Stonegate Plaza in Mound. Hometown Pastor Jeremy Berg is quick to make clear, “This is not a church building; it’s a community gathering place – a cafe, live music venue, book club hub, public meeting space, after school youth hangout – where we also just happen to have church on Sundays.”
Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 9.23.42 PMAll societies already have informal meeting places; what is new in modern times is how intentional people are in seeking them out as vital to current societal needs. “Its time churches pick up on this societal trend,” says Berg. “Why should restaurants and coffeeshops be the only places people go to meet with friends and discuss the latest ideas? If we are the guardians of the greatest wisdom and ideas of all time, then let’s open the doors and discuss!”
This ministry approach materialized several years (2005-07) back when Berg, then a local youth pastor, began hosting youth concerts and monthly open-mic events that drew crowds of Westonka youth out on a Friday night. “Some came for the music, some came to socialize, others came to explore ideas of faith and religion, but all felt welcome and had a good time. I’ve found that many spiritual seekers today will not find their way to church on Sunday morning for answers or help,” says Berg, “But they’ll gladly meet over a cup of coffee at the local coffeeshop or pub.” In the new space, MainStreet plans to begin hosting live music events, book clubs, youth concerts, public discussion forums, after school programs, children and family classes, Sunday worship, and more.
Five years have passed and much of that vision for our MainStreet location has yet to be realized. This fall we are taking a step toward this vision by launching Three Taverns! This will be a weekly venue for exploring and discussing fascinating topics together. I (Jeremy) will typically do the teaching, and we’ll discuss together topics covering a wide spectrum of Bible, theology, and cultural issues. For example:
  • How would Jesus use social media?
  • How the heck should I read the Book of Revelation?
  • Is Jesus the only way to salvation? What about those who’ve never head?
  • What’s the deal with angels & demons?
  • Does God know the future? If so, why doesn’t he prevent evil?
  • What does the Bible say about Immigration? Race Relations? Homosexuality?
  • Did God create in 6 literal days? How old is the earth?
  • Why did Paul tell women to remain silent and not teach in the church?
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Traditional remains of Three Taverns

Three Taverns was a real place 2,000 years ago on the Appian Way, just outside of
Rome. It was a traveler’s resting stop mentioned in Acts 28:15 where Paul first
gathered with Roman Christians and taught about Jesus. The Latin name, Tres
Tabernae, could also be translated “three shops,” which historians say would have been the blacksmith, the general store and the refreshment house. These three, respectively, point to building up and repairing what’s broken, seeking and finding what’s lacking, and being refreshed in the company of fellow pilgrims.

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Via Appia, Rome

Three Taverns
was a place weary travelers in the ancient world found rest, community, and conversation centered around food and drink at the table. The earliest Christians centered their faith and life together around a communal meal called the Agape where they partook of the sacred bread and cup—the Eucharist. Around that table, they “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching about Jesus, to fellowship, to sharing in meals, and to prayer….And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved” (Acts 2:42, 47).

We hope Three Taverns at MainStreet will provide a style of teaching and a variety topics not easily covered in Sunday sermons, LifeCourse series, or Huddle conversations. Jesus taught us to “Love God will all our heart, soul, mind and strength” (Mark 12:30). If sermons are aimed primarily at the heart, Huddles and LifeCourses at the soul, and serving others requires our strength, then Three Taverns is an invitation to love God by exercising and sharpening our minds together!
Three Taverns launches at MainStreet on September 13 at 6:30-8:00pm. Join us! The first Wednesday of each month will be our Agape gathering featuring the eucharist and a teaching about the table. It will have a slightly different vibe and focus.
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