The Wright Christmas Gifts

51ED62jK1UL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_I owe more to N.T. Wright for my understanding of faith and the Bible than anyone else. Period. If you’ve never read a book by Wright, this might be a nice way to ease into his style and brilliance this season of Advent. From the publisher:

Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Advent season, from the first Sunday in Advent through the Saturday after the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation and brief reflection, helping readers understand Advent in the wider context of Gods love.

Wrights engaging and accessible writing and imagery help us see Advent both in relation to the Bibles message and in our own lives today. Each week discusses key themes for the season: thanksgiving, patience, humility, and joy. This book is suitable for both individual and group study and reflection.

Here’s another new release coming soon that I will be reading as well — a very accessible introduction to the Apostle Paul and his historical context. I’m so excited he’s written this in the form of a biography rather than academic style.

51Qfs2Sw-iL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Here’s the publisher’s description:

Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright offers a radical look at the apostle Paul, illuminating the humanity and remarkable achievements of this intellectual who invented Christian theology—transforming a faith and changing the world.

For centuries, Paul, the apostle who “saw the light on the Road to Damascus” and made a miraculous conversion from zealous Pharisee persecutor to devoted follower of Christ, has been one of the church’s most widely cited saints. While his influence on Christianity has been profound, N. T. Wright argues that Bible scholars and pastors have focused so much attention on Paul’s letters and theology that they have too often overlooked the essence of the man’s life and the extreme unlikelihood of what he achieved.

To Wright, “The problem is that Paul is central to any understanding of earliest Christianity, yet Paul was a Jew; for many generations Christians of all kinds have struggled to put this together.” Wright contends that our knowledge of Paul and appreciation for his legacy cannot be complete without an understanding of his Jewish heritage. Giving us a thoughtful, in-depth exploration of the human and intellectual drama that shaped Paul, Wright provides greater clarity of the apostle’s writings, thoughts, and ideas and helps us see them in a fresh, innovative way.

Paul is a compelling modern biography that reveals the apostle’s greater role in Christian history—as an inventor of new paradigms for how we understand Jesus and what he accomplished—and celebrates his stature as one of the most effective and influential intellectuals in human history.

If I turn just one person in the world onto N.T. Wright, I’ve bestowed a great gift that is sure to keep on giving. You’ll rise up and call me blessed!

Oh, anyone out there pondering seminary? Skip it. Save your money, and just start reading Wright’s works, both popular and academic.


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