Love, Marriage & Singleness at the Apocalypse

The United States has a love affair with Eros; I’d say our society as a whole is worshiping at the temple of Eros — and not just once a year. Consider the numbers:

A new survey from the National Retail Federation (NRF) projects U.S. consumers will spend a total of $18.2 billion on their valentines this year. Over $4 billion of that will be spent on jewelry alone, with another $2 billion on flowers. Consumers are also expected to spend on cards, clothes, and an overall nice evening out on Feb. 14.

If you can’t shell out for jewelry or flowers, consider chocolate: 94% of people celebrating reportedly want to receive candy and chocolate, according to WalletHub.Twenty-percent of consumers are also planning to gift their valentines something for their pets.


Now, I don’t want to play either the Grinch Who Stole Valentine’s Day nor the Love Doctor today. I am 100% in favor of romancing your special someone and splurging a bit for some dinner and glass of wine. Break out the chocolates and the flowers, though lets banish those chalk-tasting Sweethearts to the outer rings of Hell. But Jesus provocatively suggested that where we spend our money shows what we truly love (and in many cases worship).

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 10.21.09 AMI have an invitation today. Join me at Three Taverns at MainStreet this Valentine’s Day for a provocative presentation I’m calling, “Sex, Singles & Marriage at the Apocalypse.”

Here’s the deal. Whether or not you think we spend too much money at Eros’ temple each Valentine’s Day, I know for certain that our culture has drifted far from a Christian understanding of sex, singleness and marriage. The church has bought into many distorted beliefs as well.

Using 1 Corinthians 7 as a launching pad, we’ll let the Apostle Paul to play Dr. Love as we explore questions such as: Is marriage the Christian ideal? Are singles missing out, or extra privileged in the church? How does our eternal destiny shape our sexuality and relationships in the present? Oh, and I’ll explain the apocalypse part as well.

Paul has some eyebrow raising things to propose and we want to give him a hearing! So bring a date or come proudly single. Bring some sparkling grape juice and chocolates, and let’s let Agape love have a word this Valentine’s Day and not let Eros get all the attention!

“Where your treasure is, your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21).

Three Taverns is a new gathering led by Jeremy every other Wednesday at MainStreet where we wrestle with timely and taboo topics related to the Bible, theology, history, culture and ethics. Read more here.

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