Enneagram: Core Fears

We have been exploring the Enneagram personality typing system this fall at MainStreet. This powerful tool is helping us grow in self-awareness and compassion for others who perceive and experience the world in ways far different from us. For those who want to go deeper, or for those out there who want to jump in with us, I will be posting four videos from Your Enneagram Coach on Core Motivations over the next week. Here we go!

From Your Enneagram Coach:

When we truly understand the Enneagram and our Type’s Core Motivations (Fear, Desire, Weakness and Longing), we can use it as an internal GPS to keep ourselves on the path of health and wholeness in our life, work and relationships.⠀

First, let’s dive into Core Fear, identifying what each Type is always trying to avoid, run away from or prevent from happening in everyday situations and interactions. Our tendencies to think, feel and behave in certain ways are rooted in protecting ourselves from our Core Fear.

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