Amanda’s Story

I found MainStreet Covenant Church in the Fall of 2014 when I was a brand-new freshman at Crown College. I met Jeremy and Keri at their home where they offered us free pizza and some space away from school to relax and do some laundry – who could pass that up? I knew when we left that Lifegroup that I had found the church I wanted to call home during my college years in Minnesota. What I didn’t know was that I had just become a member of a family of believers from all walks of life. 

This family walked with me through my four years at college. This is the family that would encourage me in my studies when I felt like everything was for nothing and had no motivation to keep trying. The family that would hold and comfort me during a close friend’s losing battle with cancer. Tiff supported me during my struggle with sobriety and encouraged me to stay the course. Crystal is my big sister in Minnesota and her daughter, Joelle, is my small best friend. I have been able to watch her grow and foster a relationship that would otherwise not be there because of MainStreet. Keri Berg sat with me on the floor in her home more times than I can count and encouraged me in some of my darkest moments. These are just a couple examples of the significant relationships I have been able to be a part of because of MainStreet Covenant Church. 

In the summer of 2018, I moved into the Berg’s spare room with a friend. This was a wonderful set-up for us, as well as an opportunity for some free childcare for them for the summer. We moved in the beginning of May. On May 28th I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant. Now, finding out you’re pregnant while living in your pastor’s house is one of the scariest things I have ever had to do. I had no reason to be afraid though. I sat in the living room with Jeremy and Keri and told them the news and their reactions were not anything I would have expected. They, of course, asked me the hard questions and had an important conversation with me about what needed to happen in the near future regarding my own parents and school, but they also sat with me and loved on me in a way that I will never forget. This is one of those moments where you realize what it really means to be a part of a chosen family. 

Later, Jeremy came to me and asked me if we could share the news of my pregnancy with the church. I was nervous, but I knew he wouldn’t just leave me hanging out there, so I said yes. When he shared the news, I had expected to feel kind of shunned, but the people of MainStreet came around me and offered me support and love. They showed me grace in my weakness and reminded me who I belonged to, even though I felt very far away from God. They even threw me a baby shower before I moved back to Montana. This church is my family and I would not be the woman I am without them. 

We recently took a trip back to Minnesota and stayed at the Berg’s. It was so comforting to be back in the home and the church that loved me during my hardest times and continues to love me from over a thousand miles away. While we were there, Jeremy and I had the chance to get coffee and he asked me if I would be willing to participate in his ‘pastoral letters’ doctoral project. This has been a super cool opportunity for me to connect with Jeremy every couple of weeks and process some of what is going on in my heart. It is also a great time for me to receive some spiritual teaching that has always been relevant to my life during this point in my walk. I look forward to these letters and to hearing what the Lord is putting on his heart for me. These letters are just one piece of the Berg’s ministry. 

MainStreet is a church is worth investing in because they are meeting people where they are and helping them move forward with Christ. They are walking with people in the trenches of life and helping people see Jesus for the truth of who he really is. MainStreet is a church that believes in the truth of the Scriptures and the power it has in our lives. MainStreet is small, but they are mighty, and I am just one story. Without MainStreet my story would have been very different, and I know that is the same for other people who attend there as well. 

MainStreet depends on outside donors to fund our ministry. Please consider becoming a sustaining partner or give a special year-end gift here.

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