New Ebook Celebrates MainStreet Impact

5 - Partner with us“The only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves…Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you.  (2 Corinthians 3:2-3)

Is MainStreet a worthy investment?

Almost a decade into the MainStreet journey, we have story after story of lives impacted through this ministry. The best way we can thank everyone for their support and celebrate God’s grace among us is to share these stories. Please take time to read them. Praise God for them. Pray for these folks’ ongoing growth. And know your faithful prayers, sacrificial service and generous financial support has helped make this all possible! Download or read online with photos HERE. Or read testimonies below.

“When I first entered the doors of MainStreet, I was an incredibly wounded and broken person. I didn’t know then that day would forever change my life. I could instantly feel the overwhelming feeling of God’s presence within the church. Immediately after the service, many people came up to me and made me feel so welcomed. They invited me to Lifegroup and that is when for the first time in my life, I experienced God’s love through his people. I have always attended big churches and to have a personal relationship with the pastor and his family has been an incredible blessing in my life.Today, because of Pastor Jeremy and the church, I have recommitted my life to Christ. I have finally grasped His infinite love for me. Although I still need more healing and to work towards forgiveness, I am confident and hopeful that I will get there because of the Spirit of God that is within me and the support of my new family at MainStreet.” – SARAH

“This morning as my alarm bellowed its ominous wake-up call, I begrudgingly pushed back the covers, planted my feet on the floor, leaned over, and rested my head in my hands.‘Why bother going to church? Is this really going to make a difference?’ Intentionally late, I was greeted with a smile.“So glad you’re here.” Are these people for real? I wondered. They genuinely seem to care.Why? Listening to the uplifting, passion led music, my spirit assured me this is where God longs for you to be — among his people. True followers who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Men and women who aren’t perfect. Listening to the pastor speak—emitting words of truth. Real words for real people….After the service, these people come to me. Pray over me. Assure me that everything is alright, that although I am afraid, I am never alone. Reassuring me that in their family is exactly where God longs for me to be. MainStreet: a real church for real people.” –ROXANNE

“During my college years I was a scoundrel—a pig to women, addicted to drugs, and a raging alcoholic. I fell into one of the worst holes that I ever been in. Christ says “In order to find your life, you must be willing to lose it.” On the surface I looked fine but on the inside I was crumbling. So I prayed like I have never prayed before. God told me to reach out to Pastor Jeremy. During the course of a few weeks I started attending Mainstreet, reaffirmed my baptism vows, and starting meeting for 1-on-1 discipleship, and am going on the mission trip to Nicaragua this fall. I still slip up and hang out with the wrong people and do the wrong things. That’s why I need to belong to this church.” -PAT

I started coming to MainStreet just before we got married in May 2013. I like that MainStreet is a place where people can be real and transparent. You don’t have to put on a smile and fake it until you make it. There are genuine people who care to get into real conversations. It is an encouragement that you don’t have to have it all figured out…because nobody does.” –ASHLEY

My life started to feel like it was spinning out of control. I looked at my daughter and knew I needed to do something different for her. That Sunday we walked into MainStreet. I immediately felt like we were home. I joined a Lifegroup where I felt so comfortable and inspired to continue growing in my faith. Both Joelle and I have made such great new friends that have helped us in numerous ways. I feel like my spiritual journey has just begun and I am excited to see where it leads! –CRYSTAL

I cannot even begin to express how glad and thankful I am for what God is doing in my life since we found MainStreet. I am definitely in a place I’ve never been before…I am trying to reconcile my previous/current life with the need to explore what God now wants me to do. I don’t know how to live this kind of a Christian life and still live how I was before…However, I cannot believe how at peace I am with God. I don’t know how to explain it; I can honestly say I’ve never felt so many of the things I’m feeling recently. It’s a scary and wonderful time…Dave and I strongly believe that God brought us to MainStreet, and I am so glad we followed his gentle prodding. –MELISSA

This past summer I woke up in a jail cell as the result of an alcohol addiction I had acquired trying cope with the emptiness in my life. I was angry toward God because all this stuff I blamed Him for. I’ve battled Epilepsy since I was 16 due to a vaccine accident. Every time I try to get something going, it always seems to crash and burn because of my health issues. Overtime I started feeling like God had abandoned me.  I had to hit rock bottom before I could hear God speaking to me. I remember laying on the cement floor of the jail cell, just trying to ask for forgiveness. But I couldn’t do it!  Finally, I was able to say, “Jesus forgive me. I’m sorry. I can’t do this without you.” And I felt this peace come over me. One of the biggest lies the Enemy has told me is that I am not cut out to handle this life of health struggles. But now I understand that in this life we will have troubles, but they won’t last forever, and I should instead focus my energy on doing what God has asked me.” -BRANDON

“I have been struggling with fatigue and frequent illness due to sleep apnea. I actually feel stuck at times, and become mad about my limitations. God gave me insight into this struggle at the beachside worship service this summer.  During the sermon, I had a strong urge to let Jesus in more, to carry my burden, and to take away my control over “figuring everything out” as far as how to best live my life. My anxiety washed away at that moment, and I was led to the peaceful water of Lake Minnetonka with a new community of support by my side. I chose to reaffirm my baptismal vows and made a new commitment to the Lord to lead my life. God had shown me that “doing life” alone does not work out. I’ve opened up to this community at Mainstreet and let myself feel your prayers and encouragement. MainStreet is an answer to my lifelong prayer to find true fellowship. My involvement has blessed me by allowing me to be real, connect deeply with others who I am able to “do life” with, not just say hello to at a Sunday service. I’ve beeen able to dig into Scripture alongside others. What a blessing to find Jesus in new ways by opening myself up to a new community. –RACHEL

I felt somewhat lost in life and had been looking for a church that fit me. When the doors opened up for the new and current location for Mainstreet, I knew I had found what I was looking for…I was home! I shared some difficult things in my life with others during a couple of services, and rather than being judged for my past choices, I was embraced with hugs and prayers that left me filled with hope. -MONA

Our marriage was filled with the turmoil of drug abuse, frustration, infidelity, deceit, and chronic mistrust. We were both at a breaking point. We both knew that finding closeness again to each other needed to be preceded by a closeness to God. Mainstreet was the vessel that carried us from notion to action. This happened at the outdoor baptism service in August. We rededicated our lives, and the soul of our marriage to God that day. -JAIMIE & CHRIS

I walked away from God and was afraid of being judged. I have found a new home at MainStreet and know I’m accepted by God! -SASHA 

I decided to make a change when I realized my life was falling apart around me. I asked my mom to church on Easter and she was floored because I’ve always been a skeptic. I was never a fan of traditional church—in fact I hated it. But after one visit to MainStreet I enjoyed it very much. I am now trying to follow God daily. I’m reading books on the Christian life, meeting with Pastor Jeremy for discipleship, and hoping to get plugged into a Lifegroup in 2014. –DAN

I was trying do things my own way and God was letting me. Things in my life started to crumble and I eventually hit bottom. I started going to MainStreet when a friend asked me to help him run sound. I fell in love with the church and began going on a regular basis. Often the message would directly relate to something I was dealing with that week. MainStreet has helped me grow in my faith. This summer I reaffirmed my baptism, I recently joined a Lifegroup and I also have a mentor who is helping me on my path to becoming a disciple. I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for me! –JOEY

As things in my life were getting difficult and I lost my way, I decided I needed a change. I was in about the lowest place a man could be. I was visiting MainStreet shortly thereafter, and like most Sundays, we were invited to fill out a prayer request form. For the first time, I grabbed a pen, completed the card with my request, and asked Jeremy to contact me. After the church service ended that day, I went up to the cross and prayed with Mike Fox. It was the day when God finally got through to me and I let go of my pride and said, “Yes, I really need help, God.” I feel blessed to have found my new church family. –TONY

I look forward to every Sunday so much — I can’t wait to come back each week!  Mainstreet has helped me grow in my faith, as I finally have found a church that I truly enjoy and want to be involved in.  I looked for many years for this kind of church and now I have finally found it. CATHY

I was anxious about things in my life I couldn’t control. MainStreet is helping me learn how to find rest in God’s care. -MONICA 

The past few years have been filled with difficult transitions grieving the death of my parents, finding a new place to live, and some job stress. But I’m trying to trust God with my future. I recently came forward to renew my baptism at the beachside service at Surfside. That was a special moment for me, almost one year from when I began attending MainStreet. God has brought me a long way this past year and so it seemed fitting to come forward to the waters when I heard the invitation.” –KEVIN

The first time we visited the church I was so impressed by how the congregation as a whole sought us out and greeted us by name. Not just the “official church greeters” but the community as a whole, and it was genuine. My favorite part about the church is it’s desire and commitment to live out the gospel with a beautiful balance between grace without compromising the truth of God’s Word. This is rare to find and I feel blessed to have a church like this! –MELISSA

The people at MainStreet are real! The community and support are beyond words. This church has been instrumental in taking me from someone who read scripoture and believed in the Lord to someone who has an intimate, daily relationship with the Lord. If you are ready for a place where you can learn, be part of a supporting community and change your life forever, then stop in and check it out. MainStreet is a place where real people with real experiences come together to be part of a larger mission in the Kingdom. -CULLEN

I first met Pastor Jeremy a year ago when I was going through a rough time in my life. I began attending Mainstreet occasionally and healing in my life began because of my time spent together with Pastor Jeremy. We go to lunch and study the Bible together. Jeremy and the Mainstreet community embraced me and have allowed me to share my rap-style poetry occasionally during their services. Mainstreet is truly a community of awe-inspiring believers. Recently I started attending Lifegroup as well. DANNY

I grew up in a family that did not attend church. When I was young I was eager to learn about Jesus so I asked my parents to bring me to Sunday school. We have been attending MainStreet for almost a year and I’m so thankful we were introduced to this church. They do an amazing job with their Kids program. My kids wake up on Sunday mornings and are just as eager as I was as a child to go to church and learn about Jesus. –CASSIE

MainStreet has made such a huge impact on my life since I’ve been participating the last 2 years. We are a close knit community that strives to live life as Jesus taught. Pastor Jeremy is really a shepherd in the true Christian sense. With transparency, a strong faith, and the ability to guide others to expand their impact by living for Christ – in ways they never dreamed of. Being part of, and facilitating a Huddle, has stretched my idea of what I’m capable of. I find I’m serving more within MainStreet and serving more for Christ in my daily life. Jeremy’s sermons challenge me to respond. To take action. To make changes. To be intentional. This is not your “normal church”—it is a whole new way of living! –NANCY

I really saw God the day everybody confessed their “false Shepherds” and wrote on a piece of paper what they were giving over to God. People were being so real and honest—a few people were brave enough of share what they were giving over to God in front of the whole church. MainStreet is not just a weekly spiritual “carwash” to give me a momentary shine. MainStreet has challenged me in my faith by asking the tough questions. – BEN

SUZI’S STORY. At the beginning of this year, Jeremy suggested that we each come up with a word that would challenge us and give us some direction for the year. I chose “stretch,” thinking that I had already done some stretching by agreeing to go to Nicaragua on a mission trip. Now, asking God to stretch you is like asking Him for patience. You learn patience by being put in situations that require patience. You learn to stretch by being put in situations that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable. 

I have been stretched this year in a number of ways. Mike and I invited a young woman we barely knew to live with us until her home life resolved. When she moved in, she was practically a stranger; when she moved out, we felt like we were losing a daughter. I also experienced that amazing mission trip to Nicaragua, interacting with people who pray as if God really listens; people who have nothing, but share what they have; people who are literally trusting their lives to God. I had no choice but to see that the externals just don’t matter. What does matter is what’s in your heart and what you do with what you’re given. 

I think the most important thing I’ve learned this year is that “stretching” is just another name for “trusting”. This past year has been an extended exercise in paying attention to the doors that God is opening for me and trusting Him enough to walk through them. After a year, I find that my world view is broader, my life is richer and my faith is stronger. He took my reluctant steps, taken with trepidation, and used them to bless me. What a God!

My word for 2015 was “Truth.” Boy, did I get it! God has been reminding me of the truth that He has an unbelievable plan for my life, and I wasn’t living it. December was the worst month of my life. I made the painful decision to move on from a long time relationship. God has walked by my side and carried me at some points. I have trusted God by knowing that “this too shall pass.” When I crumble and cry it’s ok. I feel it, I pray and I get back up. That’s God! I look back and know that he has walked by me this entire time. Even when the pain was too much to leave my house—He was there. I’m clinging to the truth that God has plans for Tiff Kryck and realizing His plans is worth giving up even precious things for. That’s a truth worth wrestling with! -TIFFANY

Eight years ago, God called me out of a comfortable place into someplace so far out of my comfort zone it didn’t even have a zip code. Over the past 8 years I have had the privilege of watching God create something out of nothing. No one, not Jeremy, not Keri, and certainly not me can take credit for what MainStreet has become. MainStreet has from the very beginning been and still is God’s project, from the vision that started it all to the people God called to make it a reality. God has given me a front row seat to watch it all unfold. When I say “God created something out of nothing,” I am certainly talking about MainStreet, but I am also talking about each of us, me most of all. God called each of us here to this place at this time and each of us said “Yes”. And with that “yes” not one of us was unchanged. Eight years ago, how many of you thought you would be a regular church-goer or in a Bible study or in a huddle or preaching or teaching Sunday school or on a leadership team or making coffee for an entire church or running the sound board or singing on a worship team? God called, you answered, and have been forever changed. What are the most significant moments of the last 8 years? For me, it is seeing the changes in your faith followed closely by the changes in my faith. —MIKE

BONNIE’S STORY. I cried after my first visit to MainStreet, mainly because I knew immediately that God had something special in store for me with this family of believers. My time at MainStreet has deepened my faith and taught me so much about being a member of the Body of Christ. Being a member of this body of believers has highlighted how much I didn’t know about the Kingdom of God and how much I still needed to grow in my faith. I have learned specifically about how to love others in spite of my own sin by talking time and asking God to show me how he views others. 

MainStreet is different from many other churches is that it is easy to see that this group is a family. We are deeply invested in one another’s lives and truly want what is best for each other. We celebrate victories and mourn losses. We hold one another accountable to our faith without condemnation or hostility. We truly desire to grow. My MainStreet Huddle has been the most meaningful aspect of this church for me. It is the place where we can be real with one another. We can ask tough questions and we can cry together. We celebrate the work that God is doing in our lives. It is where I see God at work and where deep relationships have formed. This is where the type of church that I crave happens. Without MainStreet, I fear that I would be stuck in my comfortable rut—loving church but not being transformed. 

TONY’S STORY. I was hardcore cynic who didn’t find any value in the church. I walked away from faith in college. I mainly saw hypocrisy in the church and had never encountered any depth or true discipleship. I started going back when we had kids, mainly to appease my wife. But I never got much out of it and would tear the sermon apart all the way home in the car. 

Then we visited MainStreet. What I found at MainStreet was totally unexpected. I was provoked and challenged to think more. I still remember the Sunday Jeremy threw down the gauntlet, “This is not a church to wade in and splash around in the kiddy pool. Either jump all in, or get out. This church isn’t for everyone.” I had never been challenged like that. MainStreet is not a safe church. Neither is following Jesus. 

I guess I found real discipleship for the first time. Since coming to MainStreet I’ve stopped listening to talk radio and arguing politics, and instead I’m reading books like The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard and The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer, and listening to Christian podcasts, and talking life and faith with my guy’s Huddle. I also found community at MainStreet, which was the last thing I was looking for. I’m hanging with people I would never naturally find myself around. 

Here’s an indication of how much we value MainStreet these days. Recently our kids were at their grandparents for the weekend, and my wife and I were out way too late, had drank way too much, and had a rare chance to sleep in with no kids. While lying next to my wife in a warm bed, I turned and said, “We gotta get to church! We can’t miss the last part of the sermon series.” 

The American church has maybe gotten off track a bit, but I think there’s an awakening happening. We need more churches that are trying to follow the provocative Way of Jesus, and not just trying grow their organization, provide nice family programs that focus on comfort and convenience. Echoing Kennedy, we need more churches to preach, “Ask not what your church can do for you, but what you can do for your church and the Kingdom.” MainStreet is one of those churches. 

A few years ago I was a workaholic dad who was never home and focused mostly on career success. Today my business is struggling a bit and I’m making less money than ever before, but I’m at peace because my priorities are now on being a good dad and better husband. My old party friends are completely shocked that I am involved in a church! If MainStreet can reach me, there’s hope for anyone.

TINA’S STORY. She’s always bringing sweets to share. Maybe it betrays a sweet tooth, but I think it’s a sweet and giving heart. Yet, the story of how Tina started coming to MainStreet is much more bittersweet. I (Jeremy) heard the sad news on a snowy February day almost 3 years ago. Tina’s son Jason, who I graduated from high school with, had passed away at the age of 36. I wasn’t sure if his family had a church and felt led by the Spirit to call and minister to them in this time of need. Some days later, MainStreet was filled to standing room only at a beautiful funeral service for Jason that was attended by many family and old classmates. I was humbled that my first funeral (and MainStreet’s) would be for a classmate and I would get to share the hope of eternal life with other classmates. 

As is often the case with God, new life would soon come from this darkness and grief. As Tina says, “For some reason I wanted to come to MainStreet the following Sunday.” Not only did she come, but she brought the rest of her family along. Her other son and his fiancé approached me after the service and asked if I would do their wedding. Some months later the entire family was gathered again at MainStreet wearing white and celebrating a wedding. The following summer we were baptizing Tina’s daughter as she had experienced God’s hand in a fresh way and continues to grow in her faith through involvement in a Huddle. This past year we have had the joy of walking with Tina’s other daughter through rehab. She just celebrated one year of sobriety in our living room where she is attending our “Grace-based Parenting” Lifegroup series. She renewed her baptism this summer as well! 

Tina and her husband have jumped all in, worshiping with us for 3 years, attending Bible studies and classes. Her husband is a “handyman” around church, offering his skills as needed. They’re currently in Alpha where we explore the big questions of faith. “It seems like the more I know, the more I want to know,” Tina says. Tina is still grieving the loss of her son and asking the question, “Why?” She says, “I also want to become stronger in my faith so when bad things happen in my life, I will be able to handle them better.” But she is also growing in her knowledge of our God who can bring so much good out of such pain—a wedding and two baptisms for starters! Why does Tina bring sweets every time she comes? Maybe it’s her own sweet tooth. Maybe its her sweet heart. But maybe it’s a small way she say thanks for some of the sweetness her family has experienced at this little church called MainStreet. 

SHANNON’S STORY. Her first time at MainStreet was attending her 36-year old brother’s funeral. Few words were exchanged that day but I (Jeremy) could tell she was weighed down by more than her brother’s passing. I ran into her later and she shared she was going into treatment. I promised to pray for her and offered to visit if possible. Months passed and as Shannon picks up the story, “I was coming out of treatment, rebuilding my life and heard MainStreet was doing baptisms in a week or so.” Over lunch Shannon shared how God had helped her get sober and was present with her during treatment. “I have an undeniable communication with God,” she says. After her baptism she says, “I felt this peace and calmness I have really never experienced before. Jeremy showed me a Scripture that explained why I was feeling this new kind of peace, once again proving to me that God was working in my life.” We just celebrated with Shannon her 1-year of sobriety at our Lifegroup gathering where Shannon is attending our class on “Grace- based Parenting.” She is one of the 42% of single-parent households who attend MainStreet. Like others, she is finding a new family and support network to help her continue rebuilding her life in the power and love of Christ. Yay God! “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful” (Col. 3:15). 

GALEN’S STORY. We heard a quiet knock on the front door. It was snowing and the steep and treacherous driveway was nearly impassable. We had almost cancelled our Lifegroup gathering that night due to weather, but decided to meet just in case God had special plans for the few people who did brave the elements that evening. He did. We heard another knock. Opening the door, we discovered an elderly man short in stature with his back bent over and leaning on a cane. “My friend told me there was a Bible Study here tonight,” the gentlemen asked. “Is that right?” “Come on in,” we offered while scratching our heads a bit. Who invited him? How did he find us? And why tonight of all nights to venture out? 

A moment later we were eating pizza and talking about God’s grace with our Bibles open. That’s how we met Galen for the first time. He is sharp-witted, soft-spoken and has a curious mind. Unfortunately, his health has been declining and its becoming more difficult for him to get around. To be honest, when I first saw the humble figure standing on our step with the snowflakes floating behind him, my mind immediately went to Hebrews 13:2: “Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.” Angel or not, when Galen walked out the door two hours later he was no longer a stranger, but another beloved member of the MainStreet family. We love Galen and are so glad he had the guts to venture out in the snow and drive up our driveway that evening. That’s a fitting image for the life of faith, isn’t it? If we’re wiling to step out of our comfort zone and face the cold winds of uncertainty, and risk heading down (or up!) the narrow driveway of faith, we will often find an open door and the warm fire loving fellowship awaiting us in the Father’s House on the hill. 

NICOLE came to our Great Giveaway event in August. She was searching for household goods and found a new faith family instead! She is living in poverty, raising 3 kids with a husband who is incarcerated at the moment, and has many needs (no job, no money, no transportation). Nicole was invited to worship the next day and MainStreeters worked to line up a ride. She came….and before the morning was over she was being baptized! Our church then stepped up to arrange rides (not easy with 3 child carseats!) and she plugged into a lifegroup. Two MainStreet gals essentially “adopted” her into their lives and it is beautiful to watch. Her husband gets released in a few weeks, and we hope to help him transition as well.

Other Testimonials

“The last 2 weeks have been transformational for me. I became aware that I had placed some very restrictive limits on how far I was willing to follow Christ….I don’t want to put limits on my faith walk…Yesterday was my “Abraham moment”. God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham demonstrated his obedience and God provided a sacrifice to replace Isaac. I woke yesterday thinking I was picking up sticks at the school. At Caribou you asked me to go visit people who were likely dirty and smelly and clean their apartments that were more than likely dirty and smelly. I remembered my promise to God – No Limits – and told you yes…” -MainStreet volunteer

“The 2 or 3 words that describe MainStreet are GENUINE, INSPIRING, and RELEVANT.” —Attender

“I chose MainStreet and continue to attend because from the first day that I entered the building it was easy to see that God is working on the lives of the people there and that the church is serious about deepening their faith and walk with God. I was welcomed in to the family and found others who will walk alongside me in my journey.” Attender 

“MainStreet has helped me overcome doubts of the existence of God & worrying about his will for my life.” — Attender

 “If I had to describe MainStreet in 2 or 3 words they would be WARM, ENCOURAGING, and DEVOTED to one another.”—Attender 

“I continue to attend MainStreet because I enjoy the community of members, the messages are always relevant to my life and continue to enrich my faith.” –Attender 

“The words I would use to describe MainStreet are ACCEPTING, FORGIVING, and led by JESUS’ EXAMPLE.” –Attender 

“I choose MainStreet because of the way Jeremy leads the church. This church walks the walk and doesn’t just talk the talk. We come as we are, broken, tainted, looking for healing and are given hope. He teaches us the Bible and helps us to see what Jesus was like. He helps us to feel like we truly can be saved. That’s so awesome!” –Attender 

“The words that I would use to describe MainStreet are REAL, HONEST, ACCEPTING and FORGIVING.” — Attender

“From what I see, your church is well on its way to being great! This is the MOST community involved faith group that I have worked with. Thank YOU for all you do.” -Leah Weycker, WeCAN Executive Director

“Thank you for the great service last night. I think that it was one of the best Good Friday services that I have attended.” -Good Friday Service Attender

“My husband said very emphatically that this was the best Easter message he has heard in a Sunday worship service.” -Easter Attender

“My oldest son said he liked MainStreet because he could tell it wasn’t fake, and he got good vibes as soon as he walked in the door.’ He said he’d like to come more.” MainStreet Mom

“Your service reminded me of a retreat I attended a few years ago…It was life-changing, leading me to relate to Christ’s passion in a whole new way. I witnessed some of that same spirit at the Friday service…” -Good Friday Service Attender

“I first gave my life to Christ under a full moon like this 33 years ago…and I met him again tonight.” –Good Friday Service Attender

“A few years ago I went into cardiac arrest, and while unconscious in the ambulance I heard the voice of Jesus telling me, “I’m not taking you home yet, I still have an important task for you to complete.’ Please pray for me as I try to shine the light of Jesus in these apartments so full of hurting, broken people. Pray also for a new companion to fill the hole in my heart from the loss of my husband…. The Lord told me that your church is going to grow rapidly in the days ahead. Keep pressing on and being faithful to the task the Lord has given you. I will be praying for you.” -Anita, woman we served

“I’m not a church person. I believe in God but I don’t believe in organized religion…The church excommunicated one of my family members years ago, but still kept sending them envelopes asking for their money. Churches are only out to get your money.” [Note: This woman came to worship at MainStreet on Easter after we served and invited her!]  -Eva, woman we served

“You have no idea how much this cleaning help means to me. Because of my disability, my husband has to do everything — buy groceries, cook, do laundry, work a full time job — and the house just never gets cleaned. And I have to sit in the mess everyday all day, and can’t do anything about it. I don’t know how we can thank you enough.” -Lenora, woman we served

“I know folks really appreciate this [community outreach]…and I’m guessing maybe more would get involved down the road. It is a very wonderful thing you are all doing!” —Carolyn, WeCAN Meals-on-Wheels Coordinator

“I just drove by Grandview Middle School on my way home from the band concert and couldn’t believe my eyes! The flower beds look amazing! This spring has been so beautiful already, and thanks to your efforts, we can actually see and enjoy the sprouts that tell us summer is right around the corner. On behalf of our staff, students, parents, and myself, please pass along my thanks to your wonderful volunteers. We are so grateful to all of you! -Christine Zachow, Grandview Middle School Principal

“Yesterday you asked everyone who was willing to go meet people and clean houses to step forward. The whole circle stepped forward. I was very proud to be part of a church made up of people like that…. [At Lake Minnetonka Shores] we spent the next hour talking with Lucille. We talked about family and church and read scripture with her. She held my hand the entire time. On the way out of the building [at Lake Minnetonka Shores] Bonnie stopped at the front desk and volunteered to come in and read to people.” -MainStreet volunteer

MainStreet is a unique church reaching many people who have little to give, and we are therefore dependent on outside support to continue our ministry. You can make a donation online here. Thank you for your partnership!

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