Reparations & Racial Justice

The fact that I as a pastor cannot advocate for social justice or racial justice with the Bible in one hand and the example of Jesus in the other without being labeled a woke liberal or cultural Marxist should reveal the extent of the deep sickness that has taken root in many conservative Evangelical circles. (See my recent post Waters of Liberation on the Exodus and the God of the oppressed.)

Let me be frank: the sickness betrays a basic lack of self-awareness, historical knowledge, a childlike inability to acknowledge past shortcomings, and, worst of all, a hardened unwillingness to hear the cries of others rivaling the Pharaoh of Exodus.

The episode and interview below on the Holy Post is absolutely essential for thoughtful Christian leaders to engage, especially those who are triggered by just seeing the word “reparations” and already preparing to respond angrily to this paragraph I’ve just written without listening to the interview. Gregory Thompson voices so much of what I have been thinking and feeling and desiring to communicate, and DeYoung represents so many I love and long to help see things in a new light.

From The Holy Post:

Earlier this year, Gregory Thompson and Duke Kwon released their book “Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair,” in which they make a biblical argument for the American church’s responsibility to repay the debts inflicted upon black communities by systemic racism and white supremacy. In this moment of political division and evangelical panic over Critical Race Theory, it’s not surprising that responses to the book have been polarized.

One of the most negative and widely read reviews came from theologian Kevin DeYoung who said “Reparations” is “clearly not shaped by the gospel.” Thompson and Kwon then wrote a lengthy and detailed response to DeYoung’s review. (Links to both are posted below.) In this episode, Thompson talks to Skye about the debate, criticism of his book, and what the white evangelical response to racism reveals about its theology, mission, and blind spots. Phil and Christian then join Skye to discuss Thompson’s interview, and Christian shares a personal story to remind us all that change is possible.

“Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair” –

Kevin DeYoung Review –

Review Response 1 –

Review Response 2 –

Other resources referenced:

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