Book of Revelation: Theopolitical Discipleship (5-Part Video Overview)

In the Spring of 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic and living in self-quarantine, rising political division, and racial riots in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder by a white police officer, some were beginning to ask: Is this the apocalypse? Is this the beginning of the end of the world? I used this as an opportunity to do a 5-part introductory overview of the Book of Revelation called Apocalypse Now.

Rather than a road map to the last days, a collection of gloom and doom prophecies, or a cryptic code to unlock, the Book of Revelation is a powerful manual for “theopolitical discipleship.” Revelation rightly understood is a practical guide for Christians trying to live as faithful representatives of Jesus’ upside down kingdom in the midst of worldly systems and powers.

Armed with just an iPhone and iMovie, and unable to worship in-person during “lock down,” I drove all over town blending teaching with local sites and personal stories from my home town. I am happy the way this series came together.

Here’s the 5-part series in one convenient place. You’ll never see the Book of Revelation the same way again. Enjoy!

Part 1: Intro to the Book of Revelation

What kind of literature is Revelation? Is it a prophetic code for End Times? How did the first Christians read it? What was its purpose? Why might this be the most timely book in the Bible for this present moment? Enjoy this introductory episode.

Part 2: Letters to the Churches

In this episode we discover that Jesus dwells among his churches and critiques and challenges them because he loves them. What issues did Jesus confront in the early churches? What issues and shortcomings might he confront in our churches today?

Part 3: Lion & Lamb Power

Revelation is a subversive message exposing the exploitative forms of worldly power embodied by the Roman Empire. On the cross, Jesus inaugurated a new kind of Kingdom – an upside-down Kingdom – where Lion power is condemned and Lamb power is vindicated. The church is called to be outposts of the Kingdom, to represent Christ’s upside-down values, and resist being coopted by worldly power & influence.

Part 4: Babylon the Harlot & Structural Evil

The word “apocalypse” means to expose the truth that lies hidden beneath. As hard as it is for Western individualists to think in terms of structural evil, the fact remains that the message of Revelation is a direct unmasking of the evil systems and exploitative values lying behind the prosperity and power of Rome. As we learn to read it rightly, its message will begin to unmask and reveal some of our own forms of national idolatry and systemic sin (e.g., racism). This message came in the midst of race riots and violent protests following the murder of George Floyd, an African American man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis.

Part 5: Garden City Coming Down

This final episode explores how ‘Babylon’ culture shows up in every empire in every generation, including our own. We look at the danger of political idolatry in the United States, and the posture the church should take in engaging political issues. We end with a hopeful vision of the Garden City coming down and our role to play in cultivating cultures of life and love.

To watch click here.

Thanks for watching. I scratched the surface in this series and would point you to some additional resources for going deeper into understanding the nature and message of the Book of Revelation.

Additional Resources


Gorman, Michael. Reading Revelation Responsibly.

DeSilva, David A. Unholy Allegiances: Heeding Revelation’s Warning.

Bauckham, Richard. Theology of the Book of Revelation.

For pieces I’ve written or posted, go here.

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