Q&A: On Mindfulness & Meditation

I was recently asked a good question: What do you think about the popular practice of “mindfulness” and “meditation”? Here’s my initial response. I’m not sure what kind of “mindfulness” you’re critiquing. Eastern meditation seeks to empty our minds, to be mindful of our own “inner divinity” and mindful of the Oneness that permeates all … More Q&A: On Mindfulness & Meditation

Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

Do you ever wish you had a time machine so you could go back to relive various moments a second time? I’m not talking here about moments you regret and wish you could “do over.” I mean going back to moments that seemed so ordinary at the time, but in retrospect you wish you would … More Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

You can’t even get through one verse in 1 Peter before coming across an enormously controversial theological issue: divine election and foreknowledge. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect…who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…” I didn’t even try to wade into these choppy waters in my sermon this past … More God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

Q&A – What about those who’ve never heard the gospel?

Question: What about the people who were born in the deepest jungles or in some rural African village? They never heard of Jesus, and no one has ever shared with them the “way to salvation” through Jesus Christ. Will they spend eternity in Hell for not believing in something they never heard about? Answer: There … More Q&A – What about those who’ve never heard the gospel?

Tim Keller’s “Counterfeit Gods”

Check out Trevin Wax’s review of Tim Keller’s book Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters (Penguin, 2009). Keller is one of my favorite Christian thinkers these days, and I find him a very insightful, articulate writer bringing clarity to very complex theological issues.  He is a … More Tim Keller’s “Counterfeit Gods”

Bart Ehrman & Ben Witherington: Who’s the Fundamentalist?

Bart Ehrman and friends are making the rounds with their books attempting to undermine the reliability of the New Testament witnesses to the life of Jesus.  Have you bought their rhetoric?  Have you joined the chorus of skeptics in an age of unbelief?  Here’s a challenging rebuttal by Dr. Ben Witherington III to consider. (This … More Bart Ehrman & Ben Witherington: Who’s the Fundamentalist?

Q&A: Is the OT essential for understanding Jesus?

Here’s a great answer from Sandy Richter. Is understanding the context of the Old Testament essential to understanding the meaning of what Jesus taught? I certainly believe with all the campus ministries and Four Spiritual Laws and tracts … the simplest presentation of the Gospel message can bring someone into the Kingdom–but … that is … More Q&A: Is the OT essential for understanding Jesus?