Your Chariot Awaits!

The passage from Acts 8:26-40 reminds us to be open to the Spirit’s leading, even when we don’t understand why. Jeremy then offers a spiritual reading of the Ethiopian’s “Chariot” encouraging us to seek out spiritual mentors and sacred spaces where we can go for “chariot chats”: asking questions, grappling with Scripture, learning and worshiping and growing together. … More Your Chariot Awaits!

Are You Open?

LECTIONARY REFLECTION | Acts 16:9-15; John 14:23-29; 5:1-9 Most of us have seen Warren Sallman’s famous painting Christ at Heart’s Door based on Revelation 3:20 where Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” Jesus glows with the light of fresh hope while the dark thorns and thistles of sin threaten to overtake … More Are You Open?

The Long Journey of the Word

If you read the Book of Acts carefully, you’ll discover it isn’t really about Paul’s (or Peter’s) journey to Rome. Its a travelogue of the gospel message about Jesus! Its all about the movement of the Word from Jerusalem to Caesar’s Palace. Its the long and winding road the Wisdom of the Ages traversed to get from the backwater of the Palestinian foothills into the heart of the ancient world’s power-brokers and influencers. Today, we still need that Word to travel! … More The Long Journey of the Word

The Demise of Ananias & Sapphira (A.D. Miniseries)

Last night millions of viewers watched part 4 of the A.D. miniseries on NBC. We are seeing the tumultuous beginnings of the Jesus movement following his resurrection. Cowardly followers have become bold witnesses. The Holy Spirit inspires boldness in the face of opposition. The miracles that Jesus once wrought are now happening through his followers, and … More The Demise of Ananias & Sapphira (A.D. Miniseries)