The Journey Home

Wise people have observed that we spend the first half of life living out the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14–30), investing our time, talent and treasures in hopes of yielding a satisfying return that benefits ourselves and the greater good. This is largely an outward project of the Ego, as we try to prove … More The Journey Home

A Parable Retold

Here’s a retelling of a parable through the lenses of the Enneagram. Jesus told this parable to some who trusted in their False Self, thinking they were the better personality Type and regarded other Enneagram Types with contempt:  “Two different personality types went up to the temple to pray, one a self-righteous Type One and … More A Parable Retold

Genies & Masters

LECTIONARY REFLECTION | 17th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST LUKE 17:5-10 One of the hardest things to keep in balance is the fact that Jesus Christ is both “lover of our soul” and “Lord of the universe.” He’s beloved friend and coming King. One moment he is wooing us with his tender compassion and the next he … More Genies & Masters