Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

Do you ever wish you had a time machine so you could go back to relive various moments a second time? I’m not talking here about moments you regret and wish you could “do over.” I mean going back to moments that seemed so ordinary at the time, but in retrospect you wish you would … More Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

MOVIE REVIEW: “Stranger Than Fiction” (2006)

Repost from 2009. -JB I just watched “Stranger Than Fiction” again starring Will Ferrell.  I thought the movie and story was alright – nothing too special. But I absolutely LOVE the idea that drives this movie.  If you haven’t seen the movie, here is the summary from the back of the case: Will Ferrell stars … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Stranger Than Fiction” (2006)

MOVIE REVIEW: Jesus Went “The Green Mile”

A repost from a few years back in remembrance of Michael Clark Duncan’s passing this year. -JB It’s already been 10 years since the release of The Green Mile (1999). The Stephen King film stars Tom Hanks as a Death row guard and the massively large and mysteriously gifted prisoner named John Coffey played by Michael … More MOVIE REVIEW: Jesus Went “The Green Mile”

MOVIE REVIEW: To Save A Life (2010)

Every few months youth pastors get a promotional box in the mail luring them to jump on the bandwagon of the next big Christian movie, book, conference or concert.  Marketing madness bombards you with free promotinal posters, t-shirts, devotionals, bookmarks, bumper stickers. Sadly, the Christian entertainment sub-culture often disappoints. I usually don’t bite.  I’m the … More MOVIE REVIEW: To Save A Life (2010)

MOVIE REVIEW: The Book of Eli (2010)

<Envelope Please> “And the winner for the grayest, grimmest, most violent post-apocalyptic thriller of 2010 involving the Bible goes to…..The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington.” <Applause>  This movie is not for the light-hearted or weak-stomached.  This movie paints a very dark picture of humanity in all it’s unfettered barbarism: rape, dismemberment, pillaging and survival of … More MOVIE REVIEW: The Book of Eli (2010)

MOVIE REVIEW: The Religious World of “Avatar” (2009)

After braving the 15 below zero weather, fighting people for seats (almost literally), finding clean 3D glasses and smuggling in pop and snacks, we were ready to experience James Cameron’s visually stunning world of Pandora filled with 8 feet tall blue people — or, as someone else put it, “warrior Smurfs.” It’s always nice when … More MOVIE REVIEW: The Religious World of “Avatar” (2009)

MOVIE REVIEW: The Eschatology of “2012”

I recently saw the latest apocalyptic global disaster movie out of Hollywood — “2012”.  Special effects were better than ever.  Disturbing yet awesome scenes of global upheaval and catastrophe kept coming for the entire 2 hours and 40 minutes of gloom and doom.  First earthquakes whose “cracks” (if you can call them cracks) chased John … More MOVIE REVIEW: The Eschatology of “2012”

MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – Part 2

In my first review of this film I pointed out some of the underlying spiritual/psychological themes in the film: (1) the danger of letting a relationship take over one’s entire life, (2) turning a relationship into an idol which we cannot live without, (3) engaging in self-destructive behaviors (e.g., self-injury, suicide attempts) as a desperate … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – Part 2

MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – A Youth Pastor’s Perspective

This particular Friday night I was proudly wearing both my “good husband hat” and my “committed youth pastor hat” as I went to see the much anticipated “Twilight: New Moon” film on opening night.  (Keri asked me to go to the midnight opener the previous night and I had to draw the line somewhere!) Gazillions … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – A Youth Pastor’s Perspective

MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”

If you like fun, action packed thrillers or light-hearted, heart-warming romantic comedies, then Revolutionary Road (2008) is definitely NOT for you.  However, if you like well-acted, deeply moving stories that tackle the deeper issues of life such as the search for personal happiness and purpose, finding meaning and contentment in one’s current lot in life, … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”