A Tale of Two Kitties

Today I reflect on my two childhood pets, highlighting the contrast between their lives. Pierre, a wild outdoor cat, met an unknown fate during the Super Storm of 1987,, while Snoopy, an indoor cat, lived a long but sheltered life. Let’s ponder whether a safe but limited existence is truly fulfilling, linking the theme to a deeper contemplation of purpose and impactful living. … More A Tale of Two Kitties

The Turtle’s Shell

This morning I came upon a friendly painted turtle on the road and pulled over to help him to safety. Yesterday I joined several other cars pulled over to watch another more daring Good Samaritan helping a large and intimidating snapping turtle across the highway to his wetland destination. What is it about turtles that evoke such concern and compassion? I think we see something of ourselves in these creatures. … More The Turtle’s Shell

Fallen Birds & Politics

These are the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek thoughts of a person foolish enough to bring the noise and rancor of human politics with him on his walk into the quiet and peaceful world of nature. The main lesson to glean from this is to not repeat my mistake and let nature be a temporary respite from the politics of the City of Man.  … More Fallen Birds & Politics

Crooked Lines

While carpenters and civil engineers, building codes and inspectors have good reasons for requiring straight walls and level foundations, the Creator of the universe seems to have other ideas. Humans prefer flat roads and level bridges and right angles and flush edges and symmetrical designs. Meanwhile, God delights in crooked lines and twisted branches and snaking rivers and sloping hillsides and asymmetrical formations.  … More Crooked Lines

The Exterminator

She wore a white jumpsuit with red lettering and had a sprayer on her back—a modern day ghost buster save the modified 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Sentinel ambulance. And she was exterminating bugs, not trapping ghosts. She was spraying around the church as I parked my car one morning. She had a pleasant face and innocent demeanor—not the look of a mass murderer. … More The Exterminator

Holy Ground

I like this image of walking into nature, sauntering in search of Holy Land—our own enchanted forest, a private Holy of Holies by a bubbling brook, a stairway descending from Heaven where we sense God’s angels among us. Like Jacob awakening from his wilderness dream in Gen. 28, we go sauntering in hopes that God will use nature to rouse us from our spiritual slumber and make our trail the gate of heaven. … More Holy Ground

The Saunterer

I’m writing a field guide for discipleship conversations along the trail. To get in the mood, I’m re-reading Henry David Thoreau’s essay on “Walking.” In 1845 he built himself a hut on the edge of Walden Pond, and lived there in solitude for two years, keeping a journal. He opens with the fascinating origins of the word “saunter.” Check it out! … More The Saunterer