Your One True Love

Repost from 2018. Happy Valentine’s Day! While many will rely on Hallmark’s card writers to find the perfect words to say “I love you” today, some Christians might reach back to the famous “love chapter” of 1 Corinthians 13  read at many weddings. Yet, the man who wrote these words would probably find it quite … More Your One True Love

The Narrow Way to a Healthy Marriage

One of the most enjoyable and humbling aspects of ministry is premarital counseling with young couples. In a relationally, maritally challenged and sexually confused culture, I get to spend many precious hours with couples looking at God’s design for love and sex, and probing his wisdom and insight for a healthy marriage. One thing I often do with couples is … More The Narrow Way to a Healthy Marriage

The Sexual Vision of the Bible (R. Hays)

No issue is as timely for serious and sensitive biblical and pastoral reflection than the question of a biblical view of homosexuality. I will be teaching on this issue with our youth group in our study of Romans 1 and have taken this opportunity to re-examine the complexities surrounding this hot-button issue facing Christians today.  … More The Sexual Vision of the Bible (R. Hays)

Virgin Lips: Another Sexual Revolution

Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready” (Song of Solomon 2:7). “How far is too far?” That’s the most often asked question every youth pastor receives during those annual “Purity Month” talk series and Q & A time. Every (responsible) youth pastor is poised with the standard response: “That’s … More Virgin Lips: Another Sexual Revolution

Delivery Us From Smugness (by Cathleen Falsani)

A great reminder — and the idea behind MainStreet Merge Forums. -JB by Cathleen Falsani 05-31-2012 Ah, the life of the church. So many arguments, so little time. The list of subjects about which the saints disagree is seemingly endless, encompassing both the profound and the woefully mundane. The ordination of women. The proper role of religion … More Delivery Us From Smugness (by Cathleen Falsani)

Halloween and the Sexualization of Evil

Here’s a repost from many years back. -JB “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14). Christians have always had a tough time with Halloween. The danger usually associated with the message of Halloween was its association with the occult — the glorification and celebration of evil, death, Satan, witchcraft, blood-sucking vampires … More Halloween and the Sexualization of Evil

The Bible and Sex: A Response to Newsweek

Newsweek recently published an article called What the Bible Really Says About Sex which begins: What does the Bible really say about sex? Two new books written by university scholars for a popular audience try to answer this question. Infuriated by the dominance in the public sphere of conservative Christians who insist that the Bible … More The Bible and Sex: A Response to Newsweek

Trevin Wax on Jennifer Knapp & Larry King

Trevin Wax offers his reflections on Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live in an article for the Baptist Press called Jennifer Knapp and Homosexuality: Changing the Questions. Here’s an excerpt: I only know Jennifer Knapp — a former Dove Award winning artist who recently announced she is a lesbian — through her music. (Kansas is … More Trevin Wax on Jennifer Knapp & Larry King

Jesus, the Bible, & Homosexuality – Resources

This is a growing collection of resources to help familiarize Christians with the current debate on what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and how we can better love and minister to the GLBTQ community. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? Here’s a good place to start if you’re wondering what the Bible teaches and how both sides make their … More Jesus, the Bible, & Homosexuality – Resources

GLBT Safe Place Signs on Campus

Keri and I were visiting Bethel University’s campus recently, and were intrigued by signs posted on certain doors signaling “safe-places” for conversations about same-sex attraction. Is this a growing phenomenon on all university campuses, or unique to Christian institutions where there is more of a stigma against same-sex relationships? I was therefore very interested when … More GLBT Safe Place Signs on Campus

VIDEO: “Love Is An Orientation” (Andrew Marin)

YouthWorker Journal editor Steve Rabey talks with Andrew Marin about ways youth workers can reach out to gay and lesbian youth, and how in the past churches have failed to minister to those struggling with same-sex attraction in a Christ-like manner. Andrew is the director of The Marin Foundation, and the author of “Love Is an … More VIDEO: “Love Is An Orientation” (Andrew Marin)