The Untamed Word

As much as Evangelicals talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus, many of us in practice have more of a personal relationship with the Bible. Does God stand wild and free behind, above, beneath, and around the text, poised to pounce and prod us by the Spirit? Or, like Thomas Jefferson, do we stand over the text, combing it for principles we admire, while denying the presence of the supernatural? … More The Untamed Word

‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses’: All Saints Day Reflection

While we’re busy carving pumpkins and collecting candy this weekend, November 1 will be All Saints Day.  More familiar to Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians, this is a day we pause both to remember and celebrate all those brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone before us. The church universal is made up of … More ‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses’: All Saints Day Reflection

I Am Nicodemus

We think the kingdom comes by taking responsibility, putting in the blood, sweat and tears, grabbing life (and faith) by the horns. This is life, faith, and ministry under the heavy yoke. This is the pathway to burnout, bitterness, and disillusionment with God and religion. This is doing God’s work without God’s presence and power. … More I Am Nicodemus

The Story

The greatest tragedy that has befallen Western Christianity over the past few hundred years is the chopping up of the drama of biblical story into cold and sterile propositional truth claims. If there’s one gift I’d love to give everyone I meet or minister to, it is the gift of grasping the Big Story of the Bible in narrative form and the thrill of discovering their unique place in the unfolding plot. … More The Story

Cursing the Fall

A repost from 2008.  I was doing the annual spring yard clean-up this past weekend.  My wife had done most of the raking and left them in neat piles for me to come behind and bag up.  I’m a manly man, so I didn’t think I needed to wear work gloves to pick up a … More Cursing the Fall

CrossRoad 6: Cruciformity Quotes

Here’s a collection of great quotes on “cruciformity” from Bruxy Cavey’s teaching ministry. Enjoy! “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” —Apostle Paul “The great paradox is that one comes to know the power and glory of Christ, the resurrection and life of Christ, through cruciformity.” —Michael J. Gorman As … More CrossRoad 6: Cruciformity Quotes

The Pilgrim’s Progress & Our Story Shaped Lives

During one of my Christmas breaks in college, I came home with an old paperback version of John Bunyan’s 17th century classic The Pilgrim’s Progress.  I was going through a radical spiritual awakening, and was voraciously devouring the Christian classics I missed as a non-reading sports jock in high school. The Pilgrim’s Progress collided with my … More The Pilgrim’s Progress & Our Story Shaped Lives