Tell Archippus!

 Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord” (Col 4:17). We just finished a flyover sermon series through Paul’s Letter to the Colossians. We painted in big brush strokes, pulling out a few dominant themes. Occasionally we landed and surveyed the foothills in more detail. Three major … More Tell Archippus!

Pastor 13 – The Cost of Vocational Ministry

Today, Will Willimon, in his book “Pastor” quotes his own teacher’s words on the pastorate toward the end of his career training clergy. James E. Dittes speaks of “ministry as grief work”: To be a minister is to know the most searing grief and abandonment, daily and profoundly. To be a minister is to take … More Pastor 13 – The Cost of Vocational Ministry

Discerning God’s Call

I’m reposting this always timely topic. This post was also featured at Jesus Creed last year HERE. We love to throw around the notion of career “calling” and “vocation,” both in the context of Christian ministry and secular career.  I believe we’ve becomesloppy in our concept and understanding of “calling.”  What we do agree on is … More Discerning God’s Call

MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”

If you like fun, action packed thrillers or light-hearted, heart-warming romantic comedies, then Revolutionary Road (2008) is definitely NOT for you.  However, if you like well-acted, deeply moving stories that tackle the deeper issues of life such as the search for personal happiness and purpose, finding meaning and contentment in one’s current lot in life, … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”