What about the Other Boats?

I love reading familiar Bible stories with an eye for the odd and often missed detail that invites further inquiry. In the beloved story of Jesus calming the storm, we jump right over one strange detail and focus on the storm, the frightened disciples, Jesus sleeping on the cushion, and his divine power over the sea. But what ever happened to the “other boats” that set out on the seas with Jesus that stormy night? Buckle up. … More What about the Other Boats?

Teachers & Role Models in Ancient Times

My current doctoral research has me exploring the relational dynamics between ancient Greco-Roman moral philosophers and their students. I’m hoping the historical context will shine fresh light on the Apostle Paul’s interactions with those under his care and teaching. I’ve been digging into the likes of Plutarch, Seneca, Epictetus, Cicero, Lucian, Quintilian, Dio Chrysostom as … More Teachers & Role Models in Ancient Times

ESSAY: The Church as God’s New Language

Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed is in the middle of a provocative discussion on the fuller message of the “Kingdom Gospel” found by reading the Bible as Story over and against the more popular, privatized gospel boiled down to a few abstract propositional truths pertaining to individual salvation.  McKnight pushes us to a larger, more … More ESSAY: The Church as God’s New Language