A Call to Prayer & Repentance for the Soul of our Nation

Today we are watching our nation’s Capitol, the great symbol and center of our democracy, be stormed by protestors, while our Congressional leaders hide behind locked doors, and the sitting president hides behind his twitter account. These are unnerving sights to behold and a frightening moment for our democracy. As Christians, what are we to … More A Call to Prayer & Repentance for the Soul of our Nation

Give Us Nuance, or Give Us Death!

“Give me liberty, or give me death!” said Patrick Henry in a famous speech in 1775 that helped ignite the American Revolution and the founding of this nation. Now in 2020, with a nation divided by ideologies and the masses unable to engage in a good natured civil dialogue, I want to yell from the rooftops a new rally cry: “Give us nuance, or give us death!” … More Give Us Nuance, or Give Us Death!

All Who Have Ears to Hear, Tweet This!

“I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we posted Christian memes and Bible verses on our Facebook page, we bashed the demons and online trolls, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking and tweeting about us on social media.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat.” -JESUS … More All Who Have Ears to Hear, Tweet This!