Loosening the Helmet: Narrative & Communal Dimensions of Salvation

In this essay from 2004, I seek to expand our understanding of salvation emphasizing the significant roles of both narrative and community in one’s conversion. Many years ago, seemingly in a different life,  I found myself on a bus full of zealous Christians headed to a San Diego music festival to pass out gospel tracts on the street corner. Only after … More Loosening the Helmet: Narrative & Communal Dimensions of Salvation

The Essence of Christian Community (Bonhoeffer)

What constitutes our fellowship and our unity as Christians/the church? This is a serious question. Many today think we are united by a shared mission or denomination affiliation, by program or strategic goal, or united around a strong leader and his or her vision. Bonhoeffer digs deeper: The more genuine and the deeper our community … More The Essence of Christian Community (Bonhoeffer)

Christian Community: The Goal or Starting Point?

I can’t believe I’ve never made this observation before.  We all know Christianity and church life is all about COMMUNITY.  Well, at least it has become the big buzz word for the last decade or two.  The Sunday worship routine that had for so long become a spectator sport with the people on stage providing … More Christian Community: The Goal or Starting Point?

PHILIPPIANS 14: Dancing in a Mosh-Pit World (Phil 2:1-2)

“Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort provided by love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any affection or mercy, complete my joy and be of the same mind, by having the same love, being united in spirit, and having one purpose” (Phil 2:1-2). My teenage years were spent concert-hopping, and participating in that … More PHILIPPIANS 14: Dancing in a Mosh-Pit World (Phil 2:1-2)

Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation

What is the gospel?  I mean: What is the full, Kingdom of God-announcing, cross-centered, New Creation focused, sin-bearing, substitutionary atoning, wrath-absorbing, life-transforming, social justice-bringing gospel really about?   Scot McKnight is doing perhaps the best job I’ve ever seen in concisely and biblically recapturing the fullness of the Kingdom Gospel of Jesus that has been … More Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation