An Appeal for a Clear Conscience

This exposition of 1 Peter 3:18-22 emphasizes a spiritual battle between good and evil forces, urging Christians to be aware of this cosmic struggle. It highlights the role of Jesus in overcoming evil and calls for believers to resist being manipulated by worldly powers. The text also stresses the importance of having a clear conscience before God, rather than pursuing selfish desires or political victories. … More An Appeal for a Clear Conscience

QUOTABLES: The Cross in Our Culture

“Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession…Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.” -DIETRICH BONHOEFFER The creed of contemporary Christianity offers “A God without wrath [who] … More QUOTABLES: The Cross in Our Culture

Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

“Oh! How dear and precious to your heart you will find God to be when you thus behold him in Christ. Because in Christ you have the true manifestation of him.” P. P. Waldenstrom (1838-1917), Swedish Covenant Pastor & Theologian I’ve been exploring the meaning of Jesus’ death and atonement theology recently. We just watched … More Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

Cross-Shaped Discipleship in a Comfort-Shaped Culture

This is from back in 2012 a few weeks after officially launching weekly worship at MainStreet. Note the sense of urgency in my tone. Have we lost that desperation? -JB 2017 How many of us really take Jesus’ words seriously?  I don’t mean picking and choosing the teachings we can tolerate.  I mean ALL of … More Cross-Shaped Discipleship in a Comfort-Shaped Culture