“Here, Kitty, Kitty!”

My mom took us three kids to the mall when we were at prime begging age. Mom probably intended to simply return something and come home empty handed. Instead, she came home with a kitten from the mall pet store. That lucky kitten was rescued from bondage, adopted into a new family, and brought into a new realm of life and possibilities. Let’s explore Romans 8:12-17 in this light. … More “Here, Kitty, Kitty!”

Cow Manure and Spiritual Growth

In John 12, Jesus is telling us that life is to be found in the dying and losing process, not on the other side of it or by avoiding it. If you want to bear much fruit spiritually, then you may first need to be broken open, split in two, pressed into hard soil, plowed over by persecution, humbled by the spade that throws loose dirt over the false, airbrushed version of your life. … More Cow Manure and Spiritual Growth

Ashes & Oil

This year Ash Wednesday felt even darker than other years. A service that ends with ashes smeared on your forehead with the words, “From the dust you came, and to dust you shall return,” is always a bit of a downer. But our mortality feels a bit more real, perhaps, after a year that claimed … More Ashes & Oil

Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

“Oh! How dear and precious to your heart you will find God to be when you thus behold him in Christ. Because in Christ you have the true manifestation of him.” P. P. Waldenstrom (1838-1917), Swedish Covenant Pastor & Theologian I’ve been exploring the meaning of Jesus’ death and atonement theology recently. We just watched … More Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

When Darkness Wins a Battle, We Still Win the War

Suicide is an all too common thing these days — especially among adolescents and younger adults. I thought I’d repost an older piece from around 2009 for a Christian perspective on such tragedies. Some of these words also give perspective on the evil of recent events. -JB The forces of darkness are always around us.  Most of the time, if … More When Darkness Wins a Battle, We Still Win the War

Honest Reflections on Grief and Loss (by Sheryl Sandberg)

Dave Goldberg died tragically about a month ago on vacation with family. His wife, Sheryl Sandberg, is the COO of Facebook and a very thoughtful soul who bravely shared the following personally heart-wrenching thoughts on her grieving process. There is wisdom and humanity in these words. Read, reflect and hug your loved ones a little longer … More Honest Reflections on Grief and Loss (by Sheryl Sandberg)

Cremation vs. Burial: A Worldview Case Study

I heard a commercial on the radio this morning for The Cremation Society. It said something like only 4% chose cremation back in 1960, increasing slightly to about 8% in 1980. Then they proudly announced that today over 50% are choosing cremation over traditional burial! So, what? What’s the big deal? Does it matter one … More Cremation vs. Burial: A Worldview Case Study

A Christian Response to the Death of Bin Laden (J. Merritt)

I found myself torn in my own reaction to the death of Bin Laden — wrestling with two Bible verses most of the past few days: Romans 13 and Matt 5:44. Romans 13 speaks of the government’s God-given role in bringing justice by use of ‘the sword.’ Thus, as an American citizen I was celebrating … More A Christian Response to the Death of Bin Laden (J. Merritt)

Blaise Pascal on Seeking, Unbelief & Indifference

I dove into the deep, philosophical writings of 17th century math prodigy, scientific pioneer and Christian philosopher Blaise Pascal for a little change of pace. He speaks of the irrational folly of those anti-religious skeptics who never sincerely give the Christian faith an honest examination but write it off a priori…. … More Blaise Pascal on Seeking, Unbelief & Indifference