The End is Nigh (Sort Of)

Paul’s strange and even disturbing instructions to believers in Corinth beg explanation. For Paul, every molecule in the universe had been shifted by the Christ Event, and the imminent return of Jesus placed a question mark next to all ordinary things of life. Pastor Paul’s words likely jolted his first hearers awake and raised many questions–questions we do well to ponder again today. … More The End is Nigh (Sort Of)

Blaise Pascal on Seeking, Unbelief & Indifference

I dove into the deep, philosophical writings of 17th century math prodigy, scientific pioneer and Christian philosopher Blaise Pascal for a little change of pace. He speaks of the irrational folly of those anti-religious skeptics who never sincerely give the Christian faith an honest examination but write it off a priori…. … More Blaise Pascal on Seeking, Unbelief & Indifference