My Annual Halloween Rant

The cute little ghosts and goblins, witches and vampires knocking on your darkened door with disappointment that you’re not home are NOT the evil we should be placing in the crosshairs of our spiritual warfare offensives.  Doesn’t the Bible itself warn us that “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”?  So, why do some Christians get so bent out of shape over these cute children disguised as angels of darkness? … More My Annual Halloween Rant

The Most Powerful Force of All

“I always tell my kids that while most people in the world just want to kill and get rid of the bad guys, Jesus wants to change bad guys into good guys. While guns have the power to kill bad guys, only love moves us toward an enemy with the compassion and hope for transformation. A gun or nuclear warhead can destroy our enemy, but only love has the potential to transform an enemy into a friend.” … More The Most Powerful Force of All

Halloween and the Sexualization of Evil

Here’s a repost from many years back. -JB “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14). Christians have always had a tough time with Halloween. The danger usually associated with the message of Halloween was its association with the occult — the glorification and celebration of evil, death, Satan, witchcraft, blood-sucking vampires … More Halloween and the Sexualization of Evil