Bonfire, Beer & Bourbon on Maundy Thursday

One Maundy Thursday, I found myself at a bonfire with neighbors, reflecting on the contrast between church rituals and the neighbors’ gathering. Feeling torn between my identity as a pastor and fitting in, I chose to partake in the communion, finding beauty in their fellowship and realizing the importance of embracing the world as Jesus did. … More Bonfire, Beer & Bourbon on Maundy Thursday

Ekklesia: A Radical Social Experiment

My heart breaks for our country and world today. Racial inequality, deep seated mistrust, increasing violence and boiling hatred fill our headlines daily. I write this in the aftermath of the horrific white nationalist rally and car crash in Charlottesville. Followers of Jesus must denounce such evils clearly and in the strongest terms. (Read  statement from … More Ekklesia: A Radical Social Experiment