Book Release: Untold Tales Series

I’m thrilled to announce the release of three of my “Untold Tales” short stories available in time for Easter! These imaginative and moving portraits of the passion present beloved stories and characters in new and fascinating ways. Collect all of these beautifully illustrated books, and give a copy to a friend for Easter. Read excerpt of “Love Cut the Rope.” … More Book Release: Untold Tales Series

Holy Week Collection

Now that I’ve been writing at Daily Illumination for over a decade, its nice to have entire collections of writings for various seasons of the church year. If you’re looking for some inspiration this Holy Week, please consider my Lent/Easter collection of nearly 30 posts here. If you come across anything inspiring, or you want to … More Holy Week Collection

Mailbox Podcast: “Smells Like Death”

“Now [God] uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. 15Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. 16To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But … More Mailbox Podcast: “Smells Like Death”

At the Foot of the Cross 3 (K. Gardiner)

I’m enjoying these meditations by Ken Gardiner found here. “And sitting down, they kept watch over him there.” (Matt. 27:36) HIM THERE! Who put him there? To answer that literally, we must say, “The soldiers”; the army of occupation. Technically they were Romans, and the centurion in charge would most probably indeed have come from … More At the Foot of the Cross 3 (K. Gardiner)

Black Friday Reflections (B. Witherington)

Some good thoughts from Ben Witherington on Black Friday: I was minding my business drinking my morning coffee, and looking out on the unexpected snowfall on Black Friday which made it white Friday here in Lexington when ‘what to my wondering eyes did appear,  then a plane load of Irish, seeking out reindeer’.    Yes, that’s … More Black Friday Reflections (B. Witherington)