Imago Vita: Contemplating God’s Work in You

Many of us know the Bible’s promises, but don’t experience God in a dynamic way. Our prayer life is dull. We’re bored singing worship songs. We’re brought to tears watching a movie, but feel nothing reading the Bible. It’s time to come to our senses—literally. Join us for a new series exploring the role of imagination and multi-sensory spirituality. … More Imago Vita: Contemplating God’s Work in You

Q&A: Why do prayers go unanswered?

Repost from 2018. -JB “Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, TEACHING in the synagogues…and he HEALED every kind of disease and illness” (Matt 9:35). My sermon text for this Sunday is Mark 1:29-39 which displays Jesus’ powerful healing ministry, first with Simon’s mother-in-law, and then “the whole city was gathered … More Q&A: Why do prayers go unanswered?

Gotta Keep ’em Separated (Greg Boyd)

When it comes to how followers of Jesus ought to engage in politics, I’m an Anabaptist. Anabaptists believe in following Jesus’ radical ethic laid out in the Sermon on the Mount, and keeping the church separate from earthly power and politics. Here’s Greg Boyd, another Anabaptist thinker, giving 12 reasons to keep the kingdom of God … More Gotta Keep ’em Separated (Greg Boyd)

Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

Do you ever wish you had a time machine so you could go back to relive various moments a second time? I’m not talking here about moments you regret and wish you could “do over.” I mean going back to moments that seemed so ordinary at the time, but in retrospect you wish you would … More Greg Boyd, Apologetics & The Case for a Christian Movie

God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

You can’t even get through one verse in 1 Peter before coming across an enormously controversial theological issue: divine election and foreknowledge. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect…who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…” I didn’t even try to wade into these choppy waters in my sermon this past … More God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

Jesus, the Constitution & the Founding Fathers

Have you seen this recent piece of art making the rounds?  It’s called “One Nation Under God.” As you can see, Jesus is front and center holding the U.S. Constitution which, according to this artist, was “inspired by God.” Greg Boyd took this artist’s message to task on his blog, saying among other things: “Artistically … More Jesus, the Constitution & the Founding Fathers