The Turtle’s Shell

This morning I came upon a friendly painted turtle on the road and pulled over to help him to safety. Yesterday I joined several other cars pulled over to watch another more daring Good Samaritan helping a large and intimidating snapping turtle across the highway to his wetland destination. What is it about turtles that evoke such concern and compassion? I think we see something of ourselves in these creatures. … More The Turtle’s Shell

The Untamed Word

As much as Evangelicals talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus, many of us in practice have more of a personal relationship with the Bible. Does God stand wild and free behind, above, beneath, and around the text, poised to pounce and prod us by the Spirit? Or, like Thomas Jefferson, do we stand over the text, combing it for principles we admire, while denying the presence of the supernatural? … More The Untamed Word

Truth Bomb

The “truth” has always been a slippery thing, easily manipulated, easily spun, misplaced or lost in the couch cushions of public discourse. The atomic, bone rattling, earth-shaking radioactive Truth Bomb of the ages is that since the incarnation of the Word, all human ideas, arguments, concepts, abstractions, formulas, presentations, editorials, principles, etc. of “truth” must now stand before and buckle its knees in the presence of the Truth Incarnate. … More Truth Bomb

WOW – Aquinas on the Incarnation

This week’s Words of Wisdom (WOW) come from Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): “The time of the Incarnation was most suitable. Had God come to man to redeem us immediately after the first sin was committed, human pride would not have been humbled in consequence of that sin; man would not have realized, through an impressive stretch of time, the greatness of the treasure he had lost. … More WOW – Aquinas on the Incarnation

WOW – Augustine on the Incarnation

“Man’s maker was made man that He, Ruler of the stars, might nurse at His mother’s breast; that the Bread might hunger, the Fountain thirst, the Light sleep, the Way be tired on its journey; that Truth might be accused of false witnesses, the Teacher be beaten with whips, the Foundation be suspended on wood; that Strength might grow weak; that the Healer might be wounded; that Life might die.” … More WOW – Augustine on the Incarnation

Bread on the Waters

A sermon I gave at a beachside service this summer as we prepared to receive holy communion.  “Cast your bread upon the waters and you will get it back in a few days. Divide your means seven ways, or even eight, for you do not know what disaster may happen on earth.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2) The traditional … More Bread on the Waters

Scandalous Incarnation!

Perhaps we’ve let the graceless moralism of too many Santa songs taint our view of the One who truly comes to town on Christmas. For the miracle of the incarnation is for the naughty and nice. He’s already made His list and He’s checked it twice, and all are on it until we choose to reject His gift and thereby remove our own name from it. … More Scandalous Incarnation!

Naked & Embodied Words

In our digital age, many (if not most) the messages we receive throughout the week come stark naked — i.e., disembodied.  I’m finishing up my first doctoral thesis paper today, and exploring the power of and need for “embodied teaching” in the church and “embodied words” in our lives as a whole. We get sprinkled with text … More Naked & Embodied Words

Merry Parachoresis! A Christmas Reflection

This is a repost from a couple years ago. -JB The Christmas story is all too familiar for most Christians today. We’ve seen two dozen pageants, have basically memorized Matthew and Luke’s accounts of wise men, shepherds, overbooked inns and barnyard manger scenes. The problem with familiarity, as Dallas Willard puts it, is that “Familiarity … More Merry Parachoresis! A Christmas Reflection