Podcast Series: Who’s Your Shepherd?

This podcast series explores the question of who or what influences our lives, drawing on Psalm 23. It emphasizes the contrast between the true shepherd, Jesus, and false shepherds like Fear and Addiction. Jeremy discusses the concept of the “Good Life” and upcoming episodes will delve into topics such as Addiction, Worry, Depression, and Financial Debt. … More Podcast Series: Who’s Your Shepherd?

Jesus, Rabbinic Judaism & Personality-Driven Ministry Today

This is the concluding section of a research paper on “Rabbi Jesus & the Embodiment of Torah” exploring the Rabbi-Pupil relationships and dynamics in the ancient world — especially the role of charisma and personality in church teaching.  At First Church, Pastor Stern had the difficult task of succeeding the long-tenured and beloved Pastor Slick who … More Jesus, Rabbinic Judaism & Personality-Driven Ministry Today

Fishing Opener Mystery on the Sea of Galilee

It’s sunrise. The day after Fishing Opener.  Location: Sea of Galilee.  Date: A.D. 28.  The schools of fish have gathered for an emergency all school assembly at Rock Pile Point. There is great unrest in the school. The fish of Galilee are extra fidgety this year. There are strange rumors afloat. You see, every year around … More Fishing Opener Mystery on the Sea of Galilee

Appreciating Rob Bell: On the Occasion of His Final Sunday at Mars Hill

Rob Bell’s final Sunday at the church he founded has now come and gone. I am looking forward to listening to his final words to his beloved Mars Hill on my drive home today. I should take a moment to share some of my own appreciations for Rob’s ministry that has been so influential to … More Appreciating Rob Bell: On the Occasion of His Final Sunday at Mars Hill