Are Calvinists Right?

Scot McKnight is sharing his own journey of wrestling with Calvinism at Jesus Creed.  Here’s  a snippet, and I recommend you read the rest of the forthcoming series. I found two major weaknesses in Calvinism’s theology (and also a disorientation in its architecture): first, the emphasis of its architecture is not the emphasis of the … More Are Calvinists Right?

Who decides who is evangelical?

Scot McKnight is starting a new, and significant, discussion at Jesus Creed today called “The End of Evangelicalism.”  I think this is an important discussion to have, and he begins by asking two key questions.  Enjoy. Many today are predicting the (even imminent) collapse of evangelicalism. Others, like Brad Wright, show that evangelicalism is flourshing, … More Who decides who is evangelical?

Widen Your Perspective

The Christian blogosphere is often a nasty place, where stones get tossed back and forth around the clock with very little listening to the other side.  I think I’d give up all together on the hope for balanced and grace-filled conversation if it weren’t for Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed. He’s a kindred spirit in … More Widen Your Perspective

QUOTABLES: Russ Reno on Elections & Imagination

I saw this today at Jesus Creed: “At the end of the day, elections don’t shape or influence our cultural imaginations. On the contrary, our imaginations influence our elections, as the naive nation builders who thought that bringing elections to Iraq would transform the country discovered, much to their dismay. As the midterm elections approach, … More QUOTABLES: Russ Reno on Elections & Imagination

McKnight on Al Mohler & the ‘Evangelical Shift’

This is a big deal for those like me who find themselves, as the Internet Monk used to say, “wandering about in the Evangelical wilderness in search of a more Jesus-shaped Christianity.”  I think Scot McKnight is spot on in his analysis of the recent Albert Mohler cover story in Christianity Today and I stand … More McKnight on Al Mohler & the ‘Evangelical Shift’

The Voice Influencing American Evangelicals (by Scot McKnight)

Scot McKnight has a great post and challenge to the American church — especially conservative Evangelicals — to avoid the politicization of the church.  He makes the claim that the most influential voice upon Evangelicals today is not Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham or James Dobson, as in past decades, but FoxNews.  Specifically he names Sean … More The Voice Influencing American Evangelicals (by Scot McKnight)

Judgment, Salvation & “Missional Election”

A very “meaty” article today at Jesus Creed navigating the tough theological topics of God’s “election,” “salvation,” and “judgment” interacting with the views of Calvinism, Arminianism, Barth’s third way and a newer concept called “missional election.”  Go check it out HERE.  Here’s a snippet: We, the Church, have been elected for mission.  But this emphatically does not mean … More Judgment, Salvation & “Missional Election”

Sketching Obama

I found another great political insight at Jesus Creed Blog today.  Sorry for so much political banter at DI lately.  I hope my heart for a more balanced, nuanced and open-minded debate, and less polarization and stone-throwing is coming through in these posts.  -Jeremy David Brooks gets it when it comes to how people are … More Sketching Obama