God’s ‘Man-centered’ Gospel & Glory

Human beings glorify God not by curling up in a helpless, hopelessly depraved blob just relieved that God is great enough for the both of us. Rather, God is most glorified in us when we, God’s image-bearers in the world, are living most in tune with God’s purposes for our lives, utilizing our God-given gifts and passions, flourishing in our God-directed pursuits, and accomplishing great things in the name of God and for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.  … More God’s ‘Man-centered’ Gospel & Glory

God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

You can’t even get through one verse in 1 Peter before coming across an enormously controversial theological issue: divine election and foreknowledge. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect…who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…” I didn’t even try to wade into these choppy waters in my sermon this past … More God’s Chosen ‘Elect’? (1 Peter 1:1-2)

Preaching That’s Tethered to the Bible

From DesiringGod.org. Initially, it may be tough to tell the difference. A gifted Bible-expositor and an entertainment-oriented preacher, with a penchant for garnishing his ideas with some Bible, may not demonstrate much disparity at first. But give it some time. And check the congregation over the long haul. It will make a world of difference. … More Preaching That’s Tethered to the Bible

Some Key Influences

We’re all like lumps of clay that over time have been shaped and molded by dozens of influential hands — and experiences and words and ideas and moments and conversations and books and dreams and successes and failures — but mostly people. I am a firm believer in learning from people of different persuasions, and … More Some Key Influences

Greg Boyd & the Open View of God’s Foreknowledge

Frankly, I don’t know which view of God’s foreknowledge is ultimately correct.  For centuries, people have generally fallen into either the Calvinist camp or the Arminian camp.  We were all settled into this deeply entrenched, long-standing either-or match when this pesky Open View came along creating more confusion and stirring up new debate. What if … More Greg Boyd & the Open View of God’s Foreknowledge

Piper Sermon + Boyd Sermon = Schizophrenia (updated)

I have long made it a habit to listen to both Greg Boyd and John Piper’s sermons each week.  I like to be pushed from both sides, and keep myself balanced theologically.  (Well, my theological convictions lean heavily toward one side, but want to keep wrestling with the opposing views.) Every once and a while … More Piper Sermon + Boyd Sermon = Schizophrenia (updated)

Greg Boyd Q&A: God & Tornados

In light of the recent John Piper interpretation of the Minneapolis tornado, Greg Boyd hosted a Q&A centered around the debated concept that God might be behind the natural disasters in the world…as well as other related questions from the congregation.  Well worth checking out links below! LISTEN TO AUDIO WATCH VIDEO