Love, Justice & the Kingdom: A Christian Social Ethic

INTRODUCTION From the beginning, the question of how Christians should relate to the rest of society has continually been raised and reevaluated.  In retrospect, it is apparent that the church has never achieved unanimous agreement over the issue of Christian social responsibility.  History documents many movements toward a position of noninvolvement or even absolute separation … More Love, Justice & the Kingdom: A Christian Social Ethic

A Case for a Cruciform Justice

It seems hardly necessary to make an argument for the universally experienced suffering and injustice prevalent in the world. If pain really is God’s “megaphone to rouse a deaf world”, as C. S. Lewis argued, then the message is deafeningly clear and God might consider turning the volume down a bit. What then is the church’s appropriate response to the world’s injustice and suffering? … More A Case for a Cruciform Justice

The Most Powerful Force of All

“I always tell my kids that while most people in the world just want to kill and get rid of the bad guys, Jesus wants to change bad guys into good guys. While guns have the power to kill bad guys, only love moves us toward an enemy with the compassion and hope for transformation. A gun or nuclear warhead can destroy our enemy, but only love has the potential to transform an enemy into a friend.” … More The Most Powerful Force of All

PSALM 7 – When Not to Pray Like David

 Let the Lord judge the peoples.Vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity, O Most High. Bring to an end the violence of the wicked  and make the righteous secure—you, the righteous God   who probes minds and hearts.  My shield is God MostHigh, who saves the upright in heart. God is a righteous judge…. (Psalm 7) This is one prayer of David … More PSALM 7 – When Not to Pray Like David

Cruciform Justice 6: Between ‘The Rock’ & A Hard Place

BRINGING GOD INTO THE MIX As indispensable as justice and peace are to a world of suffering and injustice, are these the highest goods worth striving for or dedicating our lives to? A biblically minded Christian must answer ‘No.’ For those who find their lives within the redemptive narrative of the creator and redeemer God … More Cruciform Justice 6: Between ‘The Rock’ & A Hard Place

Cruciform Justice 4: Business As Usual in the ‘Fight’ for Peace

BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE ‘FIGHT’ FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE Before exploring the world-altering event of the cross and a cruciformed concept of justice, we need to spend some time in what will be much more familiar territory for most of us. I speak of the marketplace of ideas where ‘the fight for freedom,’ the … More Cruciform Justice 4: Business As Usual in the ‘Fight’ for Peace