Habits of Evangelistic Christians

From Kevin DeYoung’s blog: Thom Rainer, President and CEO of Lifeway, argues that the secret to being an evangelistic church “is really no secret at all. Ultimately evangelistic churches see more persons become Christians through the passionate efforts of highly evangelistic Christians.” And what characterizes these highly evangelistic Christians? Read on (bold type added for … More Habits of Evangelistic Christians

Widen Your Perspective

The Christian blogosphere is often a nasty place, where stones get tossed back and forth around the clock with very little listening to the other side.  I think I’d give up all together on the hope for balanced and grace-filled conversation if it weren’t for Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed. He’s a kindred spirit in … More Widen Your Perspective

DeYoung on Rob Bell’s “Love Wins” Video

Kevin DeYoung says: “…what was communicated in the video was untrue to the Scriptures, inconsistent with historic orthodoxy, belittling of the cross, deceiving to unbelievers, and a tragic distortion of God’s character…. “We don’t have to guess if Bell will say something dreadfully, horribly, disgracefully wrong. He already has.” After watching the video: Agree or disagree … More DeYoung on Rob Bell’s “Love Wins” Video

DeYoung vs. Claiborne: A New Gospel or Pre-evangelism?

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow” (1 Cor 3:6). Kevin DeYoung has written a response HERE to a letter to unbelievers, written by Shaine Claiborne and published in Esquire.  DeYoung believes there is a “New Gospel” being propagated out there that is watered down, misleading and leaving out the more offensive truths of … More DeYoung vs. Claiborne: A New Gospel or Pre-evangelism?