Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation

What is the gospel?  I mean: What is the full, Kingdom of God-announcing, cross-centered, New Creation focused, sin-bearing, substitutionary atoning, wrath-absorbing, life-transforming, social justice-bringing gospel really about?   Scot McKnight is doing perhaps the best job I’ve ever seen in concisely and biblically recapturing the fullness of the Kingdom Gospel of Jesus that has been … More Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation

ESSAY: The Church as God’s New Language

Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed is in the middle of a provocative discussion on the fuller message of the “Kingdom Gospel” found by reading the Bible as Story over and against the more popular, privatized gospel boiled down to a few abstract propositional truths pertaining to individual salvation.  McKnight pushes us to a larger, more … More ESSAY: The Church as God’s New Language