A Tale of Two Kitties

Today I reflect on my two childhood pets, highlighting the contrast between their lives. Pierre, a wild outdoor cat, met an unknown fate during the Super Storm of 1987,, while Snoopy, an indoor cat, lived a long but sheltered life. Let’s ponder whether a safe but limited existence is truly fulfilling, linking the theme to a deeper contemplation of purpose and impactful living. … More A Tale of Two Kitties

Lessons from the “Rule” of Benedict

by Pete Scazzero Benedict (480-547 AD) lived during a time when the Roman Empire was disintegrating and eventually founded twelve monasteries near Rome. To guide these monks to live a simple, orderly life around Christ, he wrote “a little rule for beginners” now famously known as the “Rule of Benedict” (RB). This “Rule” became one of the most … More Lessons from the “Rule” of Benedict

Jesus’ Radical Leadership (Pete Scazzero)

From Pete Scazzero: Leading people in the name of Jesus is complex, demanding great wisdom and discernment. I have dedicated my adult life to the study of leadership. I have written books on leadership, read innumerable books on the topic, and attended more than my share of leadership conferences. But for the last 18 months, … More Jesus’ Radical Leadership (Pete Scazzero)

A Lesson for Organic Church Leaders

I’ve been reading Neil Cole’s book “Organic Church” recently. I love his passion and ideals.  But his optimism and idealism should be balanced with other voices who’ve learned their own lessons while “digging in the dirt” of organic church leadership. Here’s a great article for organic church planters and leaders from Leadership Journal by Brian … More A Lesson for Organic Church Leaders

MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”

If you like fun, action packed thrillers or light-hearted, heart-warming romantic comedies, then Revolutionary Road (2008) is definitely NOT for you.  However, if you like well-acted, deeply moving stories that tackle the deeper issues of life such as the search for personal happiness and purpose, finding meaning and contentment in one’s current lot in life, … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”