God’s ‘Man-centered’ Gospel & Glory

Human beings glorify God not by curling up in a helpless, hopelessly depraved blob just relieved that God is great enough for the both of us. Rather, God is most glorified in us when we, God’s image-bearers in the world, are living most in tune with God’s purposes for our lives, utilizing our God-given gifts and passions, flourishing in our God-directed pursuits, and accomplishing great things in the name of God and for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.  … More God’s ‘Man-centered’ Gospel & Glory

Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 5: Summary & Conclusion

SEEKING CLARITY AND NUANCE So, where does this leave us on the tired old debate over so-called “man-centered” theology vs. “God-centered” theology?  We must set the record straight on the main and plain things.  And on the deeper complexities we must seek greater clarity and nuance in our rhetoric. I have attempted to expose the … More Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 5: Summary & Conclusion

Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 3: Is God an Idolater?

I am unpacking some thoughts on both the validity of the man-centered vs. God-centered debate and offering some healthy push back on the fuzzy, over-extension of this line of reasoning.  I see a distortion of both the character of God and what it means for human beings to glorify God.  Michael Spencer began his post … More Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 3: Is God an Idolater?

Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 1: Introducing the Debate

Why do so many Christians, notably conservative Evangelicals and Reformed brothers and sisters, often put the glorification of God at odds with human attempts at excellence?  Does striving for greatness always lead to human pride and undercut the magnification of God?  Does a strong focus on the needs and concerns of human beings always result … More Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 1: Introducing the Debate