Your One True Love

Repost from 2018. Happy Valentine’s Day! While many will rely on Hallmark’s card writers to find the perfect words to say “I love you” today, some Christians might reach back to the famous “love chapter” of 1 Corinthians 13  read at many weddings. Yet, the man who wrote these words would probably find it quite … More Your One True Love

Breaking News: Man Caught Being Faithful (#MeToo)

The focus of this new season of Advent is to beg God to intervene (“come down”) in our sin-stained world and rescue us from the filthy mess we’ve made of this world and our own lives. One huge mess being paraded past us in the headlines daily is the flurry of sexual harassment allegations against very public figures. … More Breaking News: Man Caught Being Faithful (#MeToo)

The Narrow Way to a Healthy Marriage

One of the most enjoyable and humbling aspects of ministry is premarital counseling with young couples. In a relationally, maritally challenged and sexually confused culture, I get to spend many precious hours with couples looking at God’s design for love and sex, and probing his wisdom and insight for a healthy marriage. One thing I often do with couples is … More The Narrow Way to a Healthy Marriage

Teenage Sex Drive & the Delay of Marriage

They’re going to school longer, delaying marriage and children, job-hopping and apartment-swapping. They’re also moving back home after college to save money, traveling to faraway places to work and generally taking “me” time to decide what they want their futures to be. While their baby boomer parents lament that they’ve somehow gone wrong, experts studying why … More Teenage Sex Drive & the Delay of Marriage