Do Millennials Think Evangelism is Wrong?

“Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and PROCLAIMING THE GOSPEL of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest … More Do Millennials Think Evangelism is Wrong?

Tina’s Story

She’s always bringing sweets to share. Maybe it betrays her own sweet tooth, but I think it reveals a sweet and giving heart. Yet, the story of how Tina started coming to MainStreet is much more bittersweet.   I (Jeremy) heard the sad news on a snowy February day almost 3 years ago. Tina’s son … More Tina’s Story

Funding the Jericho Inn: A MainStreet Update

Jesus’ mission prioritized the marginalized and neglected people of his day. He didn’t send out his apostles—i.e., “church planters”—saying, “Go ye therefore to the sprawling suburbs and invite the upwardly mobile dual income families with children.” He said, “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame” (Luke 14:21). Would you try growing a church with such folks? … More Funding the Jericho Inn: A MainStreet Update

Sunday2Serve: The Church has Left the Building!

When the church bells ring on Sunday morning, July 31, you’ll find several local church sanctuaries empty. But this doesn’t mean they won’t be worshiping. “Most Sundays we worship God with words and music,” says Pastor Meg Newswanger of First Presbyterian in Maple Plain. “On July 31 we will worship God with our hands and … More Sunday2Serve: The Church has Left the Building!

Church Under a Bowl

Reposted from April 2011. -JB In my experience, the church has tended to adopt a “come to us” posture toward a lost and hurting world.  We prefer the “light house” image of church where the church is a sanctuary that houses the light of the gospel.  Our mission then becomes inviting others to “come to … More Church Under a Bowl

Cross-Shaped Discipleship in a Comfort-Shaped Culture

This is from back in 2012 a few weeks after officially launching weekly worship at MainStreet. Note the sense of urgency in my tone. Have we lost that desperation? -JB 2017 How many of us really take Jesus’ words seriously?  I don’t mean picking and choosing the teachings we can tolerate.  I mean ALL of … More Cross-Shaped Discipleship in a Comfort-Shaped Culture