How N.T. Wright Stole Christmas (Peter Leithart)

Repost from 2013. -JB Have you listened carefully to and reflected on the meaning of the words of the Christmas carols we’ve been singing this past week?  Do they accurately capture the true meaning of Advent? Well, some are better than others.  A recent article by Peter Leithart at Credenda Agenda probes this topic interacting … More How N.T. Wright Stole Christmas (Peter Leithart)

Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

“Oh! How dear and precious to your heart you will find God to be when you thus behold him in Christ. Because in Christ you have the true manifestation of him.” P. P. Waldenstrom (1838-1917), Swedish Covenant Pastor & Theologian I’ve been exploring the meaning of Jesus’ death and atonement theology recently. We just watched … More Cross, Atonement & Paul Peter Waldenstrom

Loosening the Helmet: Narrative & Communal Dimensions of Salvation

In this essay from 2004, I seek to expand our understanding of salvation emphasizing the significant roles of both narrative and community in one’s conversion. Many years ago, seemingly in a different life,  I found myself on a bus full of zealous Christians headed to a San Diego music festival to pass out gospel tracts on the street corner. Only after … More Loosening the Helmet: Narrative & Communal Dimensions of Salvation

QUOTABLES: N.T. Wright on the Jesus we want

The disciples wanted a kingdom without a cross. Many would-be “orthodox” or “conservative” Christians in our world have wanted a cross without a kingdom, an abstract “atonement” that would have nothing to do with this world except to provide the means of escaping it. Many too have wanted a “divine” Jesus as a kind of … More QUOTABLES: N.T. Wright on the Jesus we want

Some Key Influences

We’re all like lumps of clay that over time have been shaped and molded by dozens of influential hands — and experiences and words and ideas and moments and conversations and books and dreams and successes and failures — but mostly people. I am a firm believer in learning from people of different persuasions, and … More Some Key Influences

N.T. Wright Conference at Wheaton College

This weekend the 19th Annual Wheaton Theology Conference featured a fruitful engagement with the scholarship of N.T. Wright. Thanks to the internet, you didn’t have to drive to Chicago to hear the great bishop and the other keynote speakers engaging and critiquing his works. Now, you can watch the videos or download the mp3 audio … More N.T. Wright Conference at Wheaton College

N.T. Wright on How Worldview Shapes our Reading of Scripture

RJS at Jesus Creed brought these two videos to my attention.  Wright discusses our need to approach the Scriptures on their own terms and how our particular worldview and philosophical presuppositions color our understanding of the text.  The first video highlights the Enlightenment’s influence on our views of God, and the second video discusses how … More N.T. Wright on How Worldview Shapes our Reading of Scripture

Narrative Theology: N.T. Wright’s Five-Act Hermeneutic

How does the Bible exercise authority and guide our lives as people living in a post-modern age? N.T. Wright, bishop in the Church of England, addresses this issue in his must-read essay/lecture How Can The Bible Be Authoritative? Please check out the entire essay HERE. Below is an excerpt giving a taste of his narrative … More Narrative Theology: N.T. Wright’s Five-Act Hermeneutic

A Powerful Collision: God, Bible, Authority & Narrative 4

What does a narrative approach to Scripture say about the authority of Scripture? 5. Narrative Understanding of Scriptural Authority. Most foundationally, we must treat Scripture as more than a static repository of abstract truths that reveal true propositions about God, history and the human condition (though these too are important, have their special place and can be … More A Powerful Collision: God, Bible, Authority & Narrative 4