10 Turning Point Lessons for Church Leaders (by Pete Scazzero)

From Pete Scazzero: Character is more important than gifting. Being is more important than doing. When we have overlooked issues of character because of anointing, effectiveness, or natural abilities, we have always paid a price. Do not rush. When decisions were made quickly, without pausing to pray, think and process implications, we always experienced regrets. Seeing the Promised Land without carefully … More 10 Turning Point Lessons for Church Leaders (by Pete Scazzero)

Podcast Pastors

Found this at Jesus Creed.  I think this is an important topic needing to be addressed. From Trevin Wax’s post as reported at CP: There’s a dangerous trend among Christians today, according to one Christian: Podcast sermons are increasingly replacing real pastorship. “What is dangerous is not listening to podcasts, but thinking that pastoring and shepherding is … More Podcast Pastors

MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”

If you like fun, action packed thrillers or light-hearted, heart-warming romantic comedies, then Revolutionary Road (2008) is definitely NOT for you.  However, if you like well-acted, deeply moving stories that tackle the deeper issues of life such as the search for personal happiness and purpose, finding meaning and contentment in one’s current lot in life, … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Revolutionary Road”