Book of Revelation: Theopolitical Discipleship (5-Part Video Overview)

Rather than a road map to the last days or a cryptic code to unlock, the Book of Revelation is a powerful manual for “theopolitical discipleship.” Revelation is a practical guide for how to live as faithful representatives of Jesus’ upside down kingdom in the midst of worldly systems and powers. … More Book of Revelation: Theopolitical Discipleship (5-Part Video Overview)

Revelation: Theopolitical Worship & Witness

One of the most insightful and timely books I have read is Michael Gorman’s Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness. This widely misunderstood document — The Apocalypse of John — was written to encourage Christians living in politically charged times when it was easy to get caught up in the idolatrous influences of a super-empire. Revelation … More Revelation: Theopolitical Worship & Witness

Revelation for Today

I recently gave a lecture on Reading Revelation Responsibly based on the great book by Michael Gorman by the same title. Needless to say, trying to cover the entire Book of Revelation in 90 minutes is a lofty task. I began with the following illustration: What if a silver DeLorean drove up to your house, the … More Revelation for Today

The Most Powerful Force of All

“I always tell my kids that while most people in the world just want to kill and get rid of the bad guys, Jesus wants to change bad guys into good guys. While guns have the power to kill bad guys, only love moves us toward an enemy with the compassion and hope for transformation. A gun or nuclear warhead can destroy our enemy, but only love has the potential to transform an enemy into a friend.” … More The Most Powerful Force of All

Apocalyptic Literature: 4 Views

How does one approach reading and interpreting the strange, other-worldly Book of Revelation? Here’s a short introduction and overview of the four main approaches often used.  INTRODUCTION Interpreting Revelation and other apocalyptic literature, like any specific genre, demands its own set of prescribed rules.  Yet, when we approach the task of shedding light on the mysterious … More Apocalyptic Literature: 4 Views

EPHESIANS 6: Paul’s Prayers & Priorities

Our prayers reveal our priorities. The requests we bring before God give a window into our heart’s greatest concerns at any particular moment. Sometimes they are petty and selfish: “Lord, help me find a good parking spot” or “Help me pass this test I didn’t study for.” Often they focus on more urgent immediate needs … More EPHESIANS 6: Paul’s Prayers & Priorities

ESSAY: The Collision of Stories: An Exploration in Narrative Theology (2002)

As a sophomore in college two friends bought me a new study Bible as a gift.  I took that Bible to the dining center and began reading the Acts of the Apostles for the first time.  Something happened that night as I read this seemingly harmless story of the birth and expansion of the early … More ESSAY: The Collision of Stories: An Exploration in Narrative Theology (2002)