Suffering into Hopeville

Hope isn’t a wish or happy thought, a longed for result or creedal confession. Hope is an atmosphere of grace. Hope is a spiritual address. We live in Hopeville on Hope Street. We breathe its pure air. We run across its soft grass. Hope’s water bubbles up from the spring of Living Water and runs out our faucet. We have planted our family’s fortunes in Hope’s rich soil. Like a person who lives their entire life in a small town, we live in Hope and someday we will die in Hope. … More Suffering into Hopeville

Ashes & Oil

This year Ash Wednesday felt even darker than other years. A service that ends with ashes smeared on your forehead with the words, “From the dust you came, and to dust you shall return,” is always a bit of a downer. But our mortality feels a bit more real, perhaps, after a year that claimed … More Ashes & Oil

Cursing the Fall

A repost from 2008.  I was doing the annual spring yard clean-up this past weekend.  My wife had done most of the raking and left them in neat piles for me to come behind and bag up.  I’m a manly man, so I didn’t think I needed to wear work gloves to pick up a … More Cursing the Fall

The Most Powerful Force of All

“I always tell my kids that while most people in the world just want to kill and get rid of the bad guys, Jesus wants to change bad guys into good guys. While guns have the power to kill bad guys, only love moves us toward an enemy with the compassion and hope for transformation. A gun or nuclear warhead can destroy our enemy, but only love has the potential to transform an enemy into a friend.” … More The Most Powerful Force of All