American Faith: “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism”

Few studies have been more timely and pin-point accurate in it’s findings than the research of Christian Smith in “Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers” concerning the religious beliefs of American teenagers.  I would argue that many of these teens have learned their faith from parents with similar Christian convictions and … More American Faith: “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism”

MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – A Youth Pastor’s Perspective

This particular Friday night I was proudly wearing both my “good husband hat” and my “committed youth pastor hat” as I went to see the much anticipated “Twilight: New Moon” film on opening night.  (Keri asked me to go to the midnight opener the previous night and I had to draw the line somewhere!) Gazillions … More MOVIE REVIEW: “Twilight: New Moon” – A Youth Pastor’s Perspective

Teenagers & Money

Many families have been blessed by the common sense, biblical approach to money management taught by Dave Ramsey. Financial Peace University is bringing hope to those drowning in financial debt and providing a way forward toward a debt-free lifestyle and wise stewardship of our money. But what if we could help young people avoid the … More Teenagers & Money