Christmas Lights 1: The Saga of God’s Flickering Lights

From the DI archives. -JB There is a scene in the classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation where Clark Griswald (Chevy Chase) is ready to show off his creativity and hard put into decorating the house with thousands of lights. After the drum roll he plugs in his precious lights only to find….nothing. They refuse to shine. … More Christmas Lights 1: The Saga of God’s Flickering Lights

Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 3: Is God an Idolater?

I am unpacking some thoughts on both the validity of the man-centered vs. God-centered debate and offering some healthy push back on the fuzzy, over-extension of this line of reasoning.  I see a distortion of both the character of God and what it means for human beings to glorify God.  Michael Spencer began his post … More Man-Centered vs. God-Centered 3: Is God an Idolater?

Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation

What is the gospel?  I mean: What is the full, Kingdom of God-announcing, cross-centered, New Creation focused, sin-bearing, substitutionary atoning, wrath-absorbing, life-transforming, social justice-bringing gospel really about?   Scot McKnight is doing perhaps the best job I’ve ever seen in concisely and biblically recapturing the fullness of the Kingdom Gospel of Jesus that has been … More Scot McKnight: Loosening the Helmet of Salvation

Swine Flu & Unreached Peoples in Perspective

“Worldwide cases of swine flu climbed to 236 on Thursday, a day after global health authorities warned that swine flu was threatening to bloom into a pandemic and notched up their alert system to the second highest level” (  The outbreak is the top story on every news channel, in every newspaper, the topic around … More Swine Flu & Unreached Peoples in Perspective