Wise Evangelism

What gives is that Paul has a very different notion of evangelism than we modern evangelicals do. Paul is not interested in training his churches on how to initiate gospel conversations with their friends and family, nor is he concerned with teaching them how to present the four spiritual laws to a passerby on the street. Paul’s vision of evangelism does not look like ours. … More Wise Evangelism

Wise Music

Music has been and can continue to be a powerful tool in the transmission of wisdom. Like no other mode of communication, music has the power to transcend the spoken word and relate what is being said to the emotional and spiritual self in addition to the rational self. … More Wise Music

Wisdom Culture & the Juvenalization of American Christianity

“Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 Churches are busy with many good endeavors, but seeking and passing on wisdom seems to have fallen down the list of priorities. According to my teacher, Scot McKnight: “People today care less about growing up or gaining wisdom and far more about staying young, maintaining relevancy, and dressing according … More Wisdom Culture & the Juvenalization of American Christianity