Amanda’s Story

MainStreet is a church is worth investing in because they are meeting people where they are and helping them move forward with Christ. MainStreet is small, but they are mighty, and I am just one story. Without MainStreet my story would have been very different. … More Amanda’s Story

2020 Vision Sunday

What an amazing privilege to lead a community where lives are being impacted! Just came across this video from a while back and wonder what new “impact stories” we’ll be sharing in the near future. Been thinking about checking out MainStreet sometime? This Sunday, November 3, is 2020 Vision Sunday. Come worship with us at … More 2020 Vision Sunday

Shannon’s Story

Shannon’s first time at MainStreet was attending her 36-year old brother’s funeral. Few words were exchanged that day but I (Jeremy) could tell she was weighed down by more than brother’s passing. I ran into her sometime later and she informed me that she was going into treatment to get sober. I promised to pray … More Shannon’s Story

Tony’s Story

We’re GIVING THANKS for lives impacted at MainStreet this past year! This is Tony’s story: For a long time I was hardcore cynic who didn’t find any value in the church. I walked away from faith in college. I mainly saw hypocrisy in the church and had never encountered any depth or true discipleship. I … More Tony’s Story

Funding the Jericho Inn: A MainStreet Update

Jesus’ mission prioritized the marginalized and neglected people of his day. He didn’t send out his apostles—i.e., “church planters”—saying, “Go ye therefore to the sprawling suburbs and invite the upwardly mobile dual income families with children.” He said, “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame” (Luke 14:21). Would you try growing a church with such folks? … More Funding the Jericho Inn: A MainStreet Update